Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Say #HelloHyde on Friday

Every year since 1976, Congress has approved and the president has signed into law the Hyde Amendment. Named after its original sponsor, the late U.S. Rep. Henry Hyde, this crucial prolife legislation prevents most tax dollars from paying for most abortions.

The purpose of the Hyde Amendment is protecting the conscience rights of a majority of Americans who do not want to be forced to provide abortions through their tax dollars. The Hyde Amendment has a critical added benefit of saving lives, millions of them.

Unfortunately this legislation is under assault. Friday, September 30 marks the 40th anniversary of the Hyde Amendment. Using the hashtag #HelloHyde, please share a simple message on Friday supporting the Hyde Amendment on social media, or use the below graphic:

The Hyde Amendment applies to federal tax dollars, but states can still fund abortions directly. Michigan banned state tax-funded abortions in 1988, and that legislation caused abortions to drop 10,000 in a single year. Since then, tens of thousands of more people are alive today and unaware that this single law saved their life.

The Hyde Amendment has become a campaign issue in the presidential election. Hillary Clinton has promised to repeal the Hyde Amendment, forcing every prolife taxpayer to directly fund abortions. Donald Trump has promised to make the Hyde Amendment a permanent law rather than an annual provision added to the budget.

The Hyde Amendment was challenged in the court system. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in 1980 that the Hyde Amendment is constitutional. There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution requiring taxpayers to be forced to pay for abortions. Despite that, there would be nothing to stop five pro-abortion justices from suddenly “discovering” a provision in the Constitution striking down the Hyde Amendment, imposing tax-funded abortions through judicial tyranny.

If the Hyde Amendment is repealed or overruled, then millions of unborn children could die as a result. Take a moment Friday and make a stand for your conscience rights and the life of innocent children in the womb!