Thursday, November 17, 2016

Year-end online contributions doubled

We just finished a historic election, especially in the state of Michigan.

Two roads were placed before us. One would have involved facing the stunning reality of a presidential administration and judges absolutely hostile to our core value that human life has intrinsic value.

Instead we're facing a road that could involve overturning Roe v. Wade in the near future. How near? We're potentially two U.S. Supreme Court justice appointments away, and one is already in the process of being filled.

What would our country look like without Roe v. Wade? What about Michigan? These questions in a few short years could consume the national conversation. People will be clamoring for a roadmap to make sense of these potential changes.

Once again generous prolife donors have provided a matching grant opportunity at the end of the year. All online gifts to the Right to Life of Michigan Educational Fund through December 31, 2016 will be matched up to $50,000.

 Just like an online map you've probably used, our educational materials and messages are available to everyone for free. Without your dedicated support, we can neither create these materials or get them out into the public square.

Please join us as our nation embarks on this historic journey. We must be able to provide the answer when people ask: "What happens when Roe v. Wade is no longer the law of the land?"