Friday, April 19, 2013

MLive columnist points out validity of Prolife Bus in light of Gosnell

Matthew Davis, a columnist for, uses his most recent column to show how the concerns of Michigan legislators were valid when they passed legislation to regulate and inspect abortion clinics (known as the Prolife Bus) in light of the murder trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell.   

The uproar by the pro-abortion crowd to the bill (now Public Act 499 of 2012) was predictable, flush with self-righteousness, and, as it turns out, horribly misguided. Rather than focus on the mother's safety, or even that of the child being killed, the left stood firmly against what it deemed as an attack on abortion rights and, as such, was something "extreme."

But charges that the bill would burden a woman's right to an abortion were grossly overwrought. Enacting legislation to ensure a clean, sanitary facility has nothing whatsoever to do with a woman's choice to have an abortion.

It has everything to do, though, with the what happens -- especially with respect to the mother's health -- at the time the abortion is being performed (a child is being killed, that's a given). Moreover, it is but the slightest step necessary to ensure that physicians who are overzealous, careless, or unconscionable do not slaughter children outside the womb as readily as they would inside the womb.