Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Another Michigan lawsuit filed against the HHS Mandate

Lawsuits continue to pile up against the HHS Mandate. Today two brothers in Michigan with a family-owned law firm filed suit in federal court. One is Catholic, the other is Protestant, but both oppose being forced to provide services they find morally objectionable.

Should the Willis lawfirmrefuse to abide by the requirements of the HHS Mandate, they would face tax penalties equivalent to $100 per day per employee for 15 full-time employees or approximately $547,500 each tax year.  The Mandate also exposes them to substantial competitive disadvantages, in that they will no longer be permitted to offer health insurance.

The lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of the HHS Mandate under the First Amendment rights to the Free Exercise of Religion, Free Speech and the Establishment Clause.   It also claims that the HHS Mandate violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the Administrative Procedure Act.