The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee recently held a hearing on a
bill (
S. 1696) which would overturn numerous prolife laws on the
state level including a number of laws in Michigan, including our
informed consent law and our law which regulates and requires
inspections of abortion clinics.
As National Right to Life Committee President Carol Tobias
testified at the hearing, “This bill is really about just one
thing: it seeks to strip away from elected lawmakers the ability
to provide even the most minimal protections for unborn children,
at any stage of their pre-natal development,” Tobias told the
committee. “Calling the bill the ‘Abortion Without Limits Until
Birth Act’ would be more in line with truth-in-advertising
The House version of the bill is
H.R. 3471 and is currently
co-sponsored by three Michigan representatives, including
Congressman Gary Peters. H.R. 3471 and S. 1696 attempt to outlaw
states from regulating abortion. It’s designed to prevent
duly-elected state lawmakers from enacting laws to regulate
abortionists and abortion clinics.
This means Congressman Peters wants to allow abortionists to
operate with impunity.
In Michigan, we’ve seen the horrific effects of not properly
regulating abortion clinics and abortionists.
Operating room in Alexander's clinic (via |
In Muskegon, the abortion clinic of abortionist Robert Alexander
was closed in December of 2012 by the Muskegon Fire Department.
The only reason authorities went into the clinic was because a
broken rear door was reported. After police noticed “dried bloody
handprints on the ultrasound machine and smears and blood
splatters on the walls and floors throughout the business” and a
host of other unsanitary conditions, the Fire Department and
building code inspectors were brought in to inspect and found the
building was unsafe.
After Alexander’s clinic was closed, WOOD TV 8 did a number of
investigative reports into Alexander and his clinic, including
interviewing former patients and
The filthy condition of Alexander’s abortion clinic is clear
evidence of what can happen when abortionists are not regulated
and given the complete trust and self-rule that Congressman Peters
would give them.
When the “good-faith medical judgment”
of abortionists is given the final say on when an unborn child is
viable and on what is considered providing care, you get
abortionists like Robert Alexander and Kermit Gosnell performing
post-viability abortions in horrific conditions.