Forty years of legalized abortion is 40 years too long. Be a voice
to our elected officials in support of prolife legislation. Roe v.
Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the two U.S. Supreme Court decisions which
legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, has led to
the taking of more than 55 million human lives. Abortion has
negatively impacted our families, and most importantly has taken
innocent human life.
ACTION NEEDED: Please circulate this petition
and be a voice for the most vulnerable members of our human
family, babies preparing to be born.
The petitions will be used by Right to Life of Michigan to
communicate to our elected officials your desire to protect
innocent human life. Having a prolife petition at educational
booths, churches, offices etc... is a great way to discus the need
for prolife legislation. Michigan abortions are down by more than
half in part because of prolife legislation which requires
parental consent for girls under the age of 18 and informed
consent so that mothers are provided accurate information
regarding fetal development and abortion complications. After
Michigan ended tax-funded abortions in 1988, the number of
abortions dropped by more than 10,000 annually.
This is an ongoing project with no set deadline. Please use this
outreach to connect with others about how legislation can save
Key Links:
Prolife Legislation in Michigan
Abortion Graph