Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Health Care Reform

U.S. House may take action this month

President Obama and top Democratic congressional leaders have launched a final all-out push to enact a massive health care restructuring bill that, among other things, contains sweeping pro-abortion provisions.

The Senate passed the pro-abortion legislation (H.R. 3590) on December 24. However, so far the White House and Democratic leaders have been unable to muster the votes to pass the bill in the House of Representatives, partly because of resistance to the pro-abortion provisions among House prolife Democrats, led by Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI).

Nevertheless, President Obama and the top leaders of his party on Capitol Hill have regrouped and are going all out to try to push the legislation into law. "We will pass a bill," vowed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on February 22. Democrats currently control the 435-member House by a 77-seat margin.

A showdown vote in the House is likely to occur before the end of March.

Action Item

Please telephone the offices of your U.S. Senators and your U.S. House member. The Washington offices of your representatives can be reached through the Capitol Switchboard, 202-224-3121. Or, for direct and local numbers, see the Congressional Contact Information.

Sample message: "I am strongly opposed to the health bill that was passed by the Senate, H.R. 3590. This bill contains numerous pro-abortion provisions. The changes recommended by President Obama on February 22 would make the bill even worse. Do not support any health care reform bill that does not include the Stupak language to block government funding of abortion."