Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tebow Ad Saves Life

A Focus on the Family blog recently published a letter they received from a young woman who was considering abortion before viewing Focus on the Family's prolife Super Bowl television advertisement featuring Pam and Tim Tebow. The letter is one of many letters they've received in response to the ad. Below is a part of her letter:
I need to thank you so much. It's not like me to reach out to strangers or agencies for help. I was truly feeling lost. I saw the ad during the Super Bowl and it stuck in my head. I feel like that commercial was made to reach out to me.....

Your organization, through the Super Bowl ad and your thoughtful email, saved this baby's life. I have no doubt about that. And in the process maybe you saved my soul. Words just can not express my gratitude, but thank you, thank you, thank you!