Monday, May 23, 2011

Save the Date - RLM's Annual Conference on September 24, 2011

Phill Kline
Former Kansas Attorney General
As seen on Fox news, in USA Today, the O’Reilly Factor, and other media outlets, Phill Kline is a real life story of David and Goliath—taking on the one billion dollar abortion industry.

Kline, the former Attorney General of the State of Kansas, was the first and only prosecutor ever to succeed in obtaining abortion records from Planned Parenthood and notorious late term abortionist George Tiller.

As Kansas Attorney General, Kline began to notice that the number of late term abortions were increasing. Evidence further suggested strong suspicions of unreported child rape inside the abortion clinics. In an effort to discharge the duties of his office, as in all criminal cases, Kline subpoenaed abortion medical records from the Tiller Clinic and Planned Parenthood. This brought down the wrath of the abortion industry nationwide. Millions of dollars from the abortion industry poured into Kansas to defeat his efforts. Yet the truth and Phill Kline’s determination to enforce the law against the abortion industry somehow found a way.

You will not want to miss hearing the full story of how Phill Kline changed the course of the national battle forever by placing Planned Parenthood on the defensive by exposing the alleged crimes within their clinics.