Tuesday, January 31, 2012

CBS affiliate's March for Life photos show media bias against prolifers

The web site of ChicagoNow details how the local CBS affiliate in Washington, D.C. originally failed to publish any photos of the March for Life on their website. Instead, they featured 7 photographs of a small group of abortion supporters while ignoring the hundreds of thousands of prolifers.

After numerous complaints from prolifers, the station added 7 photos of the prolifers at the March for Life. No reason was given for why photos of prolifers were absent from the original story.
Pro-lifers can take heart that they were heard by the TV station causing it to take action to correct the sleight. But the fact that CBS put up a slide show of photos taken at a pro-life rally but didn't feature a single photo of any pro-lifers pretty much shows the bias from which the TV station came when it initially posted the webpage.

But even with the alteration, we still see CBS' bias. After all there were 50,0000 pro-life supporters and a paltry few hundred pro-infanticide supporters yet CBS gives them equal treatment as if they were the same.

Yep, the bias still reigns.