Tuesday, September 18, 2012

For our future, stand up for life on November 6

By Barbara Listing, Right to Life of Michigan President

The general election is Tuesday, November 6. Both parties have held their conventions. Campaign rhetoric and campaign attack ads fill the airwaves. I spent some time thinking about what this election means for vulnerable unborn children.

This election determines the future of our individual and collective lives. In some of my speeches I’ve used parts of a letter that a constituent once sent to one of our prolife legislators. In the letter she referred to “two different visions of the future.” I believe that is what is at stake November 6 as we have the opportunity and duty to vote for leaders at all levels of government.

We have seen and heard the speeches at the Republican Convention. We heard Mitt Romney declare, “As President, I will protect the sanctity of life.” We heard Paul Ryan state, “Each one of us was made for a reason, bearing the image and likeness of the Lord of Life.”

A week later came the convention of the Democrats. The featured speakers from Planned Parenthood and the abortion promoter NARAL spoke not of life, but instead of the right and necessity of death for the unborn. Their message was one of lack of hope and opportunities. Telling women that in order to reach their dreams and succeed in life, they must be open to a “war on their young in the womb.” Instead of uplifting the wonders of motherhood, the message of these activist women was one that glorified the taking of life, the sacrificing of their unborn for self-achievement. Then there was the college student featured to defy the “freedom of religion” by insisting that even those opposed to abortion-causing drugs be forced to pay for them for others.

I know these speakers I’ve featured do not reflect the morals and principles of all Democrats. They are fanatics with a radical mission of vilification and destruction. But they were chosen by convention planners and leaders to promote a message and a vision of the future. This is a vision that we must not allow to emerge as victorious on November 6.

Our vision of the future is one where people are not forced to violate their consciences by being forced to subsidize abortions or abortion-causing drugs. We want a future where federal state legislatures are encouraged to pass life enhancing laws that will protect women from abortion profiteers. We dream and work toward a future where the liberty of being a part of our human society is expanded to the unborn. Our vision of the future is life and protection for the weakest and most vulnerable, at the beginning of life, through the difficulties of physical challenges and at the waning days of life.

This general election gives us the opportunity to further our goals and mission. It gives us a pathway to a vision of life. November 6 calls us to stand for LIFE.

For information on where the candidates stand of life issues, visit the Right to Life of Michigan web site at www.rtl.org. Check out “My Prolife Vote.”