The third video released by Center for Medical Progress is
entitled, “Human Capital - Episode 1: Planned Parenthood’s Black
Market in Baby Parts.” It features an interview with Holly
O’Donnell, a woman who formerly worked for StemExpress.
StemExpress is a company which buys parts of aborted children from
Planned Parenthood affiliates.
The video also features footage inside a Planned Parenthood
“POC”(product of conception) room where the organs and parts of
unborn children are sorted after they are aborted.
In the POC room while discussing how much the actors would pay the
clinic for the organs, Colorado-based abortionist Savita Ginde
says, “No, and the, I think a per item thing works a little
better, because we can see how much we can get out of it.”
View the video below. Some of the contents may be disturbing.