Barbara Listing, president of Right to Life of Michigan, looks back at what has happened with prolife issues in Michigan over the last year and discusses Right to Life of Michigan's prolife work.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
LifeBeat for December 20, 2008
Amanda Fulford, Students for Life Coordinator for Grand Rapids Right to Life, discusses the March for Life and the various bus trips heading to Washington, D.C. from Michigan for this event. To listen, click here.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Abortion advocates give President-Elect Obama their wish list, the web site of President-elect Barack Obama has recently posted a document entitled “Advancing Reproductive Rights and Health in a New Administration.” The document was produced by abortion advocates (including Planned Parenthood and NARAL) who call on Obama to “advance and implement the(ir) agenda.”
That agenda includes, among other things, providing tax-funded abortions, removing a prolife clause which protects prolife health care providers from discrimination, putting forward a health care plan whose “benefits must include access” to “abortion care,” allowing tax dollars to fund organizations who provide and promote abortion overseas, selecting only pro-choice judges and calling on Congress to pass the Freedom of Choice Act (legislation which would dismantle numerous state and federal prolife laws). They want all that within the first 100 days.
You can read this document online and write comments encouraging President-elect Barack Obama to avoid these policies.
That agenda includes, among other things, providing tax-funded abortions, removing a prolife clause which protects prolife health care providers from discrimination, putting forward a health care plan whose “benefits must include access” to “abortion care,” allowing tax dollars to fund organizations who provide and promote abortion overseas, selecting only pro-choice judges and calling on Congress to pass the Freedom of Choice Act (legislation which would dismantle numerous state and federal prolife laws). They want all that within the first 100 days.
You can read this document online and write comments encouraging President-elect Barack Obama to avoid these policies.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
LifeBeat for December 13, 2008
Wesley Smith discusses how assisted suicide and euthanasia are advancing in other countries. In Switzerland, there is something called “suicide tourism” where individuals from other countries travel to Switzerland to commit suicide. To listen, click here.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Focusing on FOCA
We’ve recently posted a LifeNotes fact sheet on the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) in the Hot Topics section of our web site which explains what FOCA is and what it would do, its history, Barack Obama and FOCA, and provides other helpful web sites dealing with FOCA.
LifeBeat for December 6, 2008
Wesley Smith talks about assisted suicide and the problems it has caused in Oregon. Once a lethal assisted suicide prescription is written there are no protections for patients and the guidelines aren’t being followed. To listen, click here.
Monday, November 24, 2008
LifeBeat for November 29, 2008
Wesley Smith talks about human exceptionalism and the idea that human beings have rights simply because they are human. He also talks about the consequences of not accepting human exceptionalism. To listen, click here.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
LifeBeat for November 22, 2008
Kris Faasse, director of adoption services at Bethany Christian Services, talks about the process of adoption and what services her organization provides to women looking to place a child for adoption and couples looking to adopt. To listen, click here.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Freedom of Choice Act Update
"The first thing I'd do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do." -- Senator Barack Obama, speaking to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, July 17, 2007
President-elect Barack Obama made a promise in the summer of 2007 to Planned Parenthood supporters. The promise highlighted the signing of the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). FOCA is a proposed federal law to nullify virtually all federal and state limitations on abortion. President-elect Obama’s statement was more than an empty pledge. He emphasized signing FOCA will be the “first thing” he’ll do as president. Prolife people have kept the Freedom of Choice Act from reaching any president’s desk. Learn more about FOCA, its history and how you can partner with Right to Life of Michigan to protect Michigan’s commonsense laws by clicking here.
President-elect Barack Obama made a promise in the summer of 2007 to Planned Parenthood supporters. The promise highlighted the signing of the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). FOCA is a proposed federal law to nullify virtually all federal and state limitations on abortion. President-elect Obama’s statement was more than an empty pledge. He emphasized signing FOCA will be the “first thing” he’ll do as president. Prolife people have kept the Freedom of Choice Act from reaching any president’s desk. Learn more about FOCA, its history and how you can partner with Right to Life of Michigan to protect Michigan’s commonsense laws by clicking here.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
LifeBeat for November 15, 2008
Kris Faasse, director of adoption services at Bethany Christian Services, discusses the various kinds of adoption and some incorrect perceptions people can have about adoption. To listen, click here.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
LifeBeat for November 8, 2008
Michael Voris of St. Michael’s Media talks about abortion and the toll it has taken on our society and economy over the last 35 years. To listen, click here.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Members of the President’s Council of Bioethics warn that Proposal 2 has been misrepresented by supporters
The statement from the President’s Council of Bioethics members Robert George, Gilbert Meilaender, William Hurlbut, Peter Lawler and Diana Schaub is available online here.
The statement notes that Michigan law doesn’t prohibit embryonic stem cell research, there is no federal law regulating research on human embryos, Proposal 2's language leaves non-stem cell forms of research on human embryos completely unregulated, Proposal 2 might create incentives for in-vitro fertility clinics to intentionally create more human embryos than are typically used for fertility treatments and how proponents of Proposal 2 are basing their campaign on “cures” when embryonic stem cell research hasn’t led to a single treatment or cure.
The statement concludes by saying,
The statement notes that Michigan law doesn’t prohibit embryonic stem cell research, there is no federal law regulating research on human embryos, Proposal 2's language leaves non-stem cell forms of research on human embryos completely unregulated, Proposal 2 might create incentives for in-vitro fertility clinics to intentionally create more human embryos than are typically used for fertility treatments and how proponents of Proposal 2 are basing their campaign on “cures” when embryonic stem cell research hasn’t led to a single treatment or cure.
The statement concludes by saying,
In short, Proposal 2 would create a new constitutional right to engage in destruction of human embryos for any medical research purpose, without meaningful limitations. It is not primarily about stem cell research, or about “cures” unobtainable in other, less controversial ways. Michigan voters have a right to know this before they vote.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Proposal 2 is just the beginning
Sue O’Shea, the director of Michigan’s Center for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, recently admitted in an interview with the magazine Nature that even if Proposal 2 passes, Michigan researchers might not be able to create new embryonic stem cell lines unless they receive taxpayer funding. She added, “It will just make life easier knowing we can do it.” Proposal 2 isn't really about cures, it’s about giving researchers the ability to do whatever they want and preventing any local or state regulations on their research.
LifeBeat for November 1, 2008
Jill Stanek again discusses the Born Alive Infant Protection Act and Barack Obama’s opposition to this legislation when he was in the Illinois State Senate. The Born Alive Infant Protect Act was legislation designed to protect infants who survive abortion. To listen, click here.
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Grand Rapids Press recommends voting NO on Proposal 2
The Grand Rapids Press says this type of research "warrants oversight" that Proposal 2 would prohibit and should not be a "constitutional issue."
According to the newspaper: “As the state's foundational document of government, the Michigan Constitution ought to be amended only for overwhelming cause and where other alternatives are inadequate. Stem cell research doesn't rise to that level. For that reason, we recommend a NO vote on Proposal 2 on the Nov. 4 ballot.”
According to the newspaper: “As the state's foundational document of government, the Michigan Constitution ought to be amended only for overwhelming cause and where other alternatives are inadequate. Stem cell research doesn't rise to that level. For that reason, we recommend a NO vote on Proposal 2 on the Nov. 4 ballot.”
LifeBeat for October 25, 2008
Jill Stanek discusses her involvement in the Born Alive Infant Protection Act after cradling an infant who survived a late-term abortion. The Born Alive Infant Protection Act was legislation designed to protect infants who survive abortions. To listen, click here.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Recent advances in induced pluripotent stem cell research
It seems like there is a new breakthrough in induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell research every week or so. Below are a few of the more recent advances in research that creates pluripotent stem cells (the same property coveted in embryonic stem cells) without killing human embryos.
The San Diego Union-Tribune reports that researchers at the Salk Institute for Biomedical Research were able to drastically improve the efficiency of creating induced pluripotent stem cells by using hair cells.
Reuters reports that Harvard scientists have found a shortcut in producing iPS cells from ordinary skin cells. Scientists replaced two of the four genes in the usual process with a chemical. This new process could overcome concerns that potential iPS cell treatments would promote cancer.
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports that Japanese researchers have been able to reprogram adult cells in mice to become pluripotent stem cells without using viruses. The article notes the new method appears to be an improvement on earlier techniques. This research doesn't require the killing of human embryos.
The San Diego Union-Tribune reports that researchers at the Salk Institute for Biomedical Research were able to drastically improve the efficiency of creating induced pluripotent stem cells by using hair cells.
Reuters reports that Harvard scientists have found a shortcut in producing iPS cells from ordinary skin cells. Scientists replaced two of the four genes in the usual process with a chemical. This new process could overcome concerns that potential iPS cell treatments would promote cancer.
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports that Japanese researchers have been able to reprogram adult cells in mice to become pluripotent stem cells without using viruses. The article notes the new method appears to be an improvement on earlier techniques. This research doesn't require the killing of human embryos.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
National Right to Life exposes Senator Obama's debate distortions
National Right to Life has a press release which notes and explains how a number of Senator Barack Obama's statements in the last presidential debate were highly misleading. The press release explains how Senator Obama mislead viewers regarding his votes on Illinois' Born Alive Infant Protection Act and his position on partial-birth abortion. It also explains Senator Obama's position on the Freedom of Choice Act, a piece of legislation which would force taxpayers to fund abortions and overturn prolife state laws.
LifeBeat for October 18, 2008
Michael Voris, founder of St. Michael’s Media, talks about the economic costs of abortion on America’s economy. Millions of missing people means millions of missing consumers. To listen, click here.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
New Critical Reading on Cure Michigan's "Myths and Truth" web page
We've posted a critical reading of factual incorrect "truth" section of Cure Michigan's "Myth and Truth about Stem Cell Research" web page. Cure Michigan is the group behind Proposal 2, a proposal which is attempting to allow unregulated and unrestricted research on human embryos to Michigan.
The "Truth" section of their web page contains a number of "truths" which are blatantly false including the false claim that clinical trials using embryonic stem cells are close to starting, the false claim that Proposal 2 would only allow research on 5-6 day old human embryos and the false claim that experiments using specialized cells derived from embryonic stem cell don't cause tumors in animals.
The "Truth" section of their web page contains a number of "truths" which are blatantly false including the false claim that clinical trials using embryonic stem cells are close to starting, the false claim that Proposal 2 would only allow research on 5-6 day old human embryos and the false claim that experiments using specialized cells derived from embryonic stem cell don't cause tumors in animals.
LifeBeat for October 4, 2008
Michael Voris, founder of St. Michael’s Media, talks about media bias on the abortion issue and how the facts about Doe v. Bolton and what “health” means with regards to abortion often go unmentioned. To listen, click here.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
New Critical Reading of Detroit Free Press article on Proposal 2
We've posted a critical reading of Megha Satyanarayana's September 24, 2008, article in the Detroit Free Press on Proposal 2 and its attempt to legalize using and killing human embryos in research experiments.
The article includes a number of misleading and deceptive quotes on stem cell research from Dr. Sean Morrison, who favors killing human embryos for research.
The article includes a number of misleading and deceptive quotes on stem cell research from Dr. Sean Morrison, who favors killing human embryos for research.
LifeBeat for September 27, 2008
Author Lydia Clarke talks about her experience with abortion and how it affected her. She also stresses how prolife people need to love women who have had abortions. To listen, click here.
Monday, September 22, 2008
“Misleading” stem cell/economics study gets ripped by Michigan State students and political science professor
Proponents of unrestricted research on human embryos (including the Michigan Citizens for Stem Cell Research and Cures) paid $24,000 for Wayne State Professor Allen Goodman to write a "misleading," "unfair" and "arbitrary" paper about the supposed economic impact of passing Proposal 2.
The paper's flaws were easily recognized by a class of Michigan State students. Michigan State Professor Michael Craw (who isn’t opposed to embryonic stem cell research) noted the study’s numerous errors by pointing out that the study provides no justification for its results and could be used to teach students how not to conduct research.
The paper's flaws were easily recognized by a class of Michigan State students. Michigan State Professor Michael Craw (who isn’t opposed to embryonic stem cell research) noted the study’s numerous errors by pointing out that the study provides no justification for its results and could be used to teach students how not to conduct research.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
LifeBeat for September 20, 2008
State Senator Tom George again discusses Proposal 2 and the problems with allowing a new industry like embryonic stem cell research to be completely unregulated by state government. To listen, click here.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
LifeBeat for September 13, 2008
State Senator Tom George again discusses MiCAUSE and Proposal 2. Proposal 2 would legalize the killing of human embryos for research in Michigan and prevent the state legislature from passing laws to regulate this kind of experimentation. To listen, click here.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
LifeBeat for September 6, 2008
Michigan State Senator Tom George discusses the upcoming human embryonic research proposal in Michigan and the reasons he opposes this proposal as a state legislator. He also shares what he will be about at the luncheon at Right to Life of Michigan’s Annual Conference. To listen, click here.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
LifeBeat for August 30, 2008
Author Angela Franks speaks about Planned Parenthood’s marketing strategy. She also talks about Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s distaste for charity and the need to educate the public about Planned Parenthood. To listen, click here.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Michigan Abortionist Charged for Improperly Disposing of Medical Records
Alberto Hodari, an abortionist who operates in the Metro Detroit area, has been charged with 12 counts of improperly disposing of medical records. In March of 2008, the medical records of patients were found in the dumpster outside his abortion facility alongside the remains of aborted children. The medical records included information like patient names, social security numbers, and test results.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
LifeBeat for August 23, 2008
Author Angela Franks talks about how Planned Parenthood tries to defend the eugenic ideology of Margaret Sanger, their founder. She also discusses how Planned Parenthood still has an attitude and policies which correspond with Sanger’s eugenic ideology. To hear the program, click here.
Monday, August 18, 2008
National Right to Life exposes Barack Obama’s Born Alive Lies
On August 11, 2008, National Right to Life Committee issued a press release which described and documented how Barack Obama’s excuses for voting against an Illinois version of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act were false. The Born Alive Infant Protection Act was a federal piece of legislation designed to provide legal protection to infants who survive abortion. The federal law which passed the U.S. House by a voice vote and was unanimously approved in the U.S. Senate was signed into law by President Bush in 2002. Various states, including Michigan, passed similar measures to ensure that children who survive abortions are given legal protection.
As a state senator in Illinois, Barack Obama opposed his state’s version of this legislation on a number of occasions. In recent years, Senator Obama has claimed he would have voted for the federal legislation because it contained a clause to verify the legislation wouldn’t be used undermine Roe v. Wade.
National Right to Life recently unearthed documents showing that while in the Illinois Senate in 2003, Obama voted against the Illinois version of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act even when the legislation had the clause he claimed the legislation needed in order to receive his vote.
On August 16, 2008, after being asked about his opposition to the Illinois version of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act by David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Senator Obama claimed “folks are lying” and re-iterated that he would have voted for the federal legislation and that the Illinois version was trying to undermine Roe v. Wade.
On August 18, 2008, the New York Sun published a story in which Obama spokesperson Hari Sevugan acknowledged that Senator Obama had voted against an Illinois bill which was identical to the federal legislation.
For more information about Senator Barack Obama’s opposition to legislation which would have ensured legal protection to infants who survive abortions and his attempt to cover-up his votes, click here.
As a state senator in Illinois, Barack Obama opposed his state’s version of this legislation on a number of occasions. In recent years, Senator Obama has claimed he would have voted for the federal legislation because it contained a clause to verify the legislation wouldn’t be used undermine Roe v. Wade.
National Right to Life recently unearthed documents showing that while in the Illinois Senate in 2003, Obama voted against the Illinois version of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act even when the legislation had the clause he claimed the legislation needed in order to receive his vote.
On August 16, 2008, after being asked about his opposition to the Illinois version of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act by David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Senator Obama claimed “folks are lying” and re-iterated that he would have voted for the federal legislation and that the Illinois version was trying to undermine Roe v. Wade.
On August 18, 2008, the New York Sun published a story in which Obama spokesperson Hari Sevugan acknowledged that Senator Obama had voted against an Illinois bill which was identical to the federal legislation.
For more information about Senator Barack Obama’s opposition to legislation which would have ensured legal protection to infants who survive abortions and his attempt to cover-up his votes, click here.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
LifeBeat for August 16, 2008
Author Angela Franks talks about Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger and eugenics. Sanger was a eugenicist who believed individuals with “unfit” genes shouldn’t have children and supported forced sterilization. To listen, click here.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
LifeBeat for August 9, 2008
Oratory contest winner Aubrey Annis talks about the oratory contest and shares some of the points in her speech on human cloning. She also discusses the importance of young people speaking up on prolife issues. To listen, click here.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
LifeBeat for August 2, 2008
David Doyle, spokesperson for the Michigan Citizens Against Unrestricted Science and Experimentation, again talks about a ballot initiative to legalize unrestricted research on human embryos in Michigan. The real strides in treating human beings with stem cells have come from stem cells which don’t require the killing of human embryos. To listen, click here.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
LifeBeat for July 26, 2008
David Doyle, spokesperson for Michigan Citizens Against Unrestricted Science and Experimentation, talks about a ballot initiative to amend Michigan’s constitution to allow unrestricted research on human embryos. To listen, click here.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
LifeBeat for July 19, 2008
Ed Rivet, legislative director for Right to Life of Michigan, discusses Michigan’s latest attempt to ban partial-birth abortion and Governor Jennifer Granholm’s veto of this legislation. To listen, click here.
Monday, July 14, 2008
New Critical Reading of Jack Lessenberry's Latest Column
We've posted a critical reading of Jack Lessenberry's most recent editorial on embryonic stem cell research which was published in the Traverse City Record-Eagle on July 13, 2008.
Like previous editorials written by Lessenberry, this editorial falsely claims embryonic stem cell research is banned in Michigan.
Jack Lessenberry has been provided with factual information proving that embryonic stem cell research is legal in Michigan, yet he unfortunately continues to mislead his readers by falsely claiming it is banned.
Like previous editorials written by Lessenberry, this editorial falsely claims embryonic stem cell research is banned in Michigan.
Jack Lessenberry has been provided with factual information proving that embryonic stem cell research is legal in Michigan, yet he unfortunately continues to mislead his readers by falsely claiming it is banned.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
LifeBeat for July12, 2008
Steve Wagner, bio-ethics speaker for Stand to Reason, discusses how finding agreements on certain prolife issues can help us discuss our differences on other prolife issues. He also talks about the importance of being inviting prolife advocates. To listen, click here.
New Web Site from the Michigan Citizens Against Unrestricted Science and Experimentation
A new web site has been launched by the Michigan Citizens Against Unrestricted Science and Experimentation in order to fight the ballot proposal to legalize the unrestricted killing of human embryo for research purposes in Michigan.
The web site discusses how the ballot proposal is deliberately deceptive, does not ban human cloning and permits unrestricted science. The website explains their opposition to the proposal by saying:
The web site discusses how the ballot proposal is deliberately deceptive, does not ban human cloning and permits unrestricted science. The website explains their opposition to the proposal by saying:
The proposed constitutional amendment is bad public policy for Michigan. This misleading proposal is not about stem cell research, this proposal is about the killing of live human embryos for unrestricted and unregulated research. Currently, embryonic stem cell research is taking place in Michigan. Federal tax dollars are used to fund the embryonic stem cell studies at the University of Michigan Center for Human Embryo Stem Cell Research.
Michigan Citizens Against Unrestricted Science & Experimentation Ballot Question Committee (MiCAUSE) will provide accurate information so citizens can be informed about the proposed constitutional amendment to allow unrestricted and unregulated research in Michigan.
Monday, July 7, 2008
LifeBeat for July 5, 2008
Steve Wagner, bio-ethics speaker for Stand to Reason, discusses questions which can help create dialogue on abortion. To listen, click here.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Planned Parenthood's Profits
The following letter to the editor was submitted to the Grand Rapids Press in response to a letter from Katherine Humphrey, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of West and Northern Michigan.
In a recent letter to the editor, Katherine Humphrey attempts to defend her employer, Planned Parenthood, America's largest abortion provider. She claims Planned Parenthood profits from last year "meet the highest standards of fiscal accountability" without mentioning Planned Parenthood made a whopping $114.8 million dollars in profit last year. That's approximately 11% of their revenue. For comparison, Exxon-Mobil's record profits in the final fiscal quarter of 2007 were 10% of their quarterly revenue. Planned Parenthood is one of the most profitable "non-profits" in the world as their profits (income over their expenses) are in the tens of millions of dollars every single year. Their profits were also boosted by the more than $300 million in tax dollars they received from the government.
Humphrey also claims she's proud to be a part of Planned Parenthood's "efforts" to prevent abortion. Planned Parenthood is America's #1 abortion provider. They committed 289,750 abortions in 2006. While the number of abortions being performed nationwide has dropped significantly in recent years, the number of abortions committed at Planned Parenthood has increased dramatically (they performed under 200,000 abortions in 2000). They now commit approximately 1/4 of all U.S. abortions. Planned Parenthood claiming they want less abortions is like Exxon-Mobil claiming they want people to use less gas.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
LifeBeat for June 28, 2008
Steve Wagner, bioethics speaker for Stand to Reason, talks about the importance of prolifers using questions to create a dialogue with pro-choice individuals. To listen, click here.
Friday, June 20, 2008
LifeFacts - Painful Genetic Skin Disease Corrected after Bone Marrow Transplant
Two year old Nate Liao, afflicted with a fatal genetic skin disease, appears to have been cured after undergoing a cord blood and bone marrow transplant. The painful disease “causes the skin to fall off at the slightest touch and inevitably leads to cancer.” Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bulosa (RDEB) patients lack a certain type of collagen which renders the skin very delicate. The children must have their entire body continuously wrapped in bandages and may succumb to infections. The lining of their gastrointestinal tract is so fragile the slightest morsel of food can tear and blister the lining of the esophagus, making it very hard to eat and keep food down. After the experimental surgery was conducted at the University of Minnesota in October of 2007, Nate not only began to eat regular table food for the first time but is demanding pork chops and Doritos.
This is proof that stem cells derived from bone marrow can effectively differentiate to treat not only blood diseases but this rare incurable skin disease. Bone marrow specialist Dr. John Wagner said, “ Maybe we can take one more disorder off the incurable list.”
For more information, click here.
This is proof that stem cells derived from bone marrow can effectively differentiate to treat not only blood diseases but this rare incurable skin disease. Bone marrow specialist Dr. John Wagner said, “ Maybe we can take one more disorder off the incurable list.”
For more information, click here.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
LifeBeat for June 21, 2008
Pamela Sherstad, public information director for Right to Life of Michigan, talks about the recent decrease in the number of abortions in Michigan. Abortions in Michigan are at their lowest level since the state began recording abortion statistics. She also talks about ways to help decrease the number of abortions. To listen, click here.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
LifeBeat for June 12, 2008
Kaitlin Schmitz, winner of Right to Life of Michigan’s Prolife Youth Award, talks about her work in the prolife movement and the importance of young people being involved in defending human life. To listen, click here.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
LifeFacts - Could the cure for Parkinson's be right under our nose?
Those afflicted with Parkinson's lack a certain chemical called dopamine, which is produced in the brain. The resulting loss of muscle control can be temporarily relieved for some patients through drug therapies, however there is still no cure.
Researchers in Australia simulated Parkinson's disease in the brains of laboratory rats, which made the rats run in circles. The afflicted rats were then injected with stem cells which were extracted and cultured from the nasal cavity of Parkinson's patients. The rats re-gained their ability to run in a straight line. Prof. Alan Mackay-Sim from the National Centre for Adult Stem Cell Research who led the study, said that this proves that the adult stem cells differentiated into dopamine-producing neurons. None of the transplants formed tumors in the rats, as had similar models using embryonic stem cells.
The undifferentiated stem cells from the olfactory nerve in the nose, are influenced by the environment they are injected into. In this case, they were transplanted into the brain and became dopamine producing brain cells.
For more information, click here.
Researchers in Australia simulated Parkinson's disease in the brains of laboratory rats, which made the rats run in circles. The afflicted rats were then injected with stem cells which were extracted and cultured from the nasal cavity of Parkinson's patients. The rats re-gained their ability to run in a straight line. Prof. Alan Mackay-Sim from the National Centre for Adult Stem Cell Research who led the study, said that this proves that the adult stem cells differentiated into dopamine-producing neurons. None of the transplants formed tumors in the rats, as had similar models using embryonic stem cells.
The undifferentiated stem cells from the olfactory nerve in the nose, are influenced by the environment they are injected into. In this case, they were transplanted into the brain and became dopamine producing brain cells.
For more information, click here.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
LifeBeat for June 7, 2008
Dr. Don Condit talks about his efforts to change the Michigan State Medical Society’s position on embryonic stem cell research from a position which favored killing human embryos to its current neutral position. To listen, click here.
New Critical Reading of Dr. Mel Lester's Embryonic Stem Cell Editorial
We've posted a critical reading of Dr. Mel Lester's "Embryonic Stem Cell Research Offers Hope" editorial which was published on the June 1, 2008 in the Lansing State Journal. In his editorial, Dr. Lester makes a number of highly misleading and untruthful claims about embryonic stem cell research.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Partial Birth Abortion Ban Passes Michigan House by a Vote of 74-32
On the evening of May 27, 2008, the Michigan House of Representatives voted 74-32 to pass S.B. 776, the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. This legislation is modeled after the federal ban on partial-birth abortion and would make it a felony to perform a partial-birth abortion in Michigan. S.B. 776 was passed in the Michigan Senate by a vote of 24-13 in January of 2008.
S.B. 776 will now be sent to Governor Granholm. Once it reaches her desk, she will have 14 days to either sign it, veto it, or allow it to take effect without her signature.
More information on this legislation can be found online here.
S.B. 776 will now be sent to Governor Granholm. Once it reaches her desk, she will have 14 days to either sign it, veto it, or allow it to take effect without her signature.
More information on this legislation can be found online here.
LifeBeat for May 31, 2008
Dr. Ken Edwards talks about the current events regarding efforts to coerce prolife doctors into referring women to abortion providers. He also discusses what people can do to help make sure prolife doctors aren’t forced into violating their consciences. To listen, click here.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Michigan’s Abortions Decrease in 2007 to the Lowest Number on Record
According to statistics released May 22, 2008, from the Michigan Department of Community Health, the number of abortions performed in Michigan decreased in 2007. The report from the Michigan Department of Community Health states that 24,683 abortions were performed in Michigan during 2007 compared to 25,636 Michigan abortions in 2006, a drop of 3.7 percent or 953 abortions . Since 1987, there has been a 49.7 percent decrease in the number of abortions performed in Michigan annually. Abortions in Michigan have decreased three of the last four years and the total from 2007 represents the lowest number of reported abortions in Michigan since reporting began in 1979.
For more information, click here.
For more information, click here.
LifeBeat for May 24, 2008
Dr. Ken Edwards discusses a recent opinion on the limits of conscience from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and its suggestion that prolife doctors should refer women for abortions. To listen, click here.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
LifeFacts - Multiple Sclerosis Patient Treated with Own Adult Stem Cells
Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 1995, Barry Goudy self-administered weekly injections and suffered flu-like symptoms that would last all weekend. The side effects of the medication changed his personality by causing him to become irritable and his quality of life gradually deteriorated. He gained weight, felt bloated and acquired Bell's Palsy which damaged his optic nerve, blurring his vision. With continued use, he eventually became immune to the medication.
Barry happened upon a study at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago using experimental stem cell research. In May of 2003 Barry's stem cells were harvested and cultured. In July, he received the adult stem cell transplant. After 4 months he went back to work, symptom free. This coming July, Barry will be celebrating his 5th year free from any symptoms of MS and is looking forward to an active life of playing racquetball, golf and coaching hockey.
For more information, click here.
Barry happened upon a study at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago using experimental stem cell research. In May of 2003 Barry's stem cells were harvested and cultured. In July, he received the adult stem cell transplant. After 4 months he went back to work, symptom free. This coming July, Barry will be celebrating his 5th year free from any symptoms of MS and is looking forward to an active life of playing racquetball, golf and coaching hockey.
For more information, click here.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
LifeBeat for May 17, 2008
Paul Etterling, author of Genuine Faith and the Test of Love, provides advice for parents who receive an adverse prenatal diagnosis and how the prolife movement can reach out to people who are facing an adverse prenatal diagnosis. To listen, click here.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Michigan State Medical Society goes neutral on killing human embryos for research
Thanks to the work of prolife physicians and prolife legislators, the Michigan State Medical Society (MSMS) has changed their position on embryonic stem cell research. Since 2003, the MSMS, which represents more than 14,000 physicians in Michigan, had an official position which favored embryonic stem cell research. During a recent gathering, the members of the MSMS adopted a neutral position on human embryonic stem cell research and will provide its membership with more information on the issue over the next year.
Read Representative Kevin Green's letter, signed by 55 additional State House Members, to the Michigan State Medical Society.
Read Representative Kevin Green's letter, signed by 55 additional State House Members, to the Michigan State Medical Society.
LifeBeat for May 10, 2008
Paul Etterling, author of Genuine Faith and the Test of Love, discusses the short life of his son David who had anencephaly, a neural tube defect with a 100% fatality rate. Paul and his wife were able to celebrate the life of their son even though he lived for only a short time. To listen, click here.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
LifeFacts - Systemic Scleroderma successfully treated with patient's own stem cells
Amy Daniels at the age of 37 was afflicted with scleroderma, a rare autoimmune disease known to "turn people into stone." It affects the connective tissue in the body, rendering skin and organs hard and thick. Amy's face became so taut that it affected her appearance, her speech and her ability to chew and close her mouth. The skin on her hands became so tight that her fingers were fixed in a claw like position. Her digestive tract became so inflamed that she lost her ability to eat. Her lungs went from a 90% breathing capacity to 43% in a few short months.
Amy was introduced to a doctor who offered her an unbelievable treatment. First her own stem cells were collected and stored. She was then given chemotherapy and medicine to wipe out her immune system. Her own stem cells were reinfused and began the healing process.
Just 6 months after her transplant, Amy was able to go back to work. She can cross her fingers, make a fist, lift her arms over her head, open her mouth, button her buttons, fix her daughter's hair, go up a flight of stairs and chase the kids around the park. There is no cure for Sclerodoerma, but through the use of her own stem cells, Amy has hope for a bright future.
For more information, click here.
Amy was introduced to a doctor who offered her an unbelievable treatment. First her own stem cells were collected and stored. She was then given chemotherapy and medicine to wipe out her immune system. Her own stem cells were reinfused and began the healing process.
Just 6 months after her transplant, Amy was able to go back to work. She can cross her fingers, make a fist, lift her arms over her head, open her mouth, button her buttons, fix her daughter's hair, go up a flight of stairs and chase the kids around the park. There is no cure for Sclerodoerma, but through the use of her own stem cells, Amy has hope for a bright future.
For more information, click here.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Skip the flowers and boxes of candy -- make a lasting gift to LIFE in honor of a special woman.

By giving a small donation to the Right to Life of Michigan Educational Fund, you too can add a name to the Mother's Day Honor Page. If you would like, we will notify that special someone that a donation has been made in her honor and that her name has been added to our Mother's Day Honor Page.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
LifeFacts - Stem cells identified in spinal cord -- offers hope for relieving back pain
Researchers have identified stem cells in the inter vertebral discs in the human spine. This could be the first step towards using a patient's own stem cells to repair their degenerating discs, relieving neck and back pain. When spinal discs degenerate, their natural ability to produce water-binding molecules (or proteoglycans) decreases. The cushioning effect is lost so pain and disc damage results. The next step is to unlock the key to re-activating the disc stem cells, and repopulate the disc with 'shock-absorbing', water-binding proteoglycans. Although further research is necessary, this discovery offers hope for so many afflicted with chronic neck and back pain.
For more information, click here.
For more information, click here.
Share your petition story
People are circulating petitions to have Michigan's Constitution changed. The proposed change would allow the killing of human embryos in Michigan for stem cell research. Men and women hold your pens! Cures are being falsely promised by these paid circulators: cures for cancer, cures for people with spinal cord injuries and cures to diabetes. Much is being pledged if Michigan’s Constitution is changed. Unfortunately, what’s being peddled to get people to sign the petition are lies. Get the facts before you act.
Have you had an experience with an individual circulating a stem cell petition who misled you about what they wanted you to sign? Did they claim embryonic stem cells have already been used to treat human patients? Did they claim embryonic stem cell research was illegal in Michigan? now has a place where you can share your story.
Have you had an experience with an individual circulating a stem cell petition who misled you about what they wanted you to sign? Did they claim embryonic stem cells have already been used to treat human patients? Did they claim embryonic stem cell research was illegal in Michigan? now has a place where you can share your story.
LifeBeat for May 3, 2008
Dr. Francis Beckwith talks about some common mistakes prolifers can make when talking about abortion. He also discusses problems with often used pro-choice arguments. To listen, click here.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Signers Beware!
The following letter was submitted to the Grand Rapids Press after I was asked to sign a "stem cell" petition.
Recently, as I was taking a walk to my local library, I was approached by two women who asked if I was a registered voter and if I would sign their petition. “Petition for what?,” I asked. “Stem cell research,” they responded. When I asked “what kind of stem cell research?,” they pointed me to a specific talking point on a purple sheet underneath their petitions which discussed the theoretical promise of embryonic stem cell research and all the diseases it would supposedly cure. I was then pointed to a copy of a Grand Rapids Press article on Kadi DeHaan, a young woman who suffered a spinal cord injury, and told embryonic stem cells were used to treat her.
I’m familiar with Kadi’s story and I knew her improvement was due to strenuous physical therapy along with trips to Russia for injections of her own adult stem cells, not embryonic. Embryonic stem cells have never successfully been used to treat any human patient.
Besides falsely attributing Kadi’s success to embryonic stem cells, the paid signature gatherers (they told me they’re getting $1 a signature) never mentioned the petition would legalize the killing of human embryos for research purposes.
Voters who oppose killing the most defenseless of human beings should be careful when approached to sign a “stem cell” petition. Some paid circulators are trained to say whatever it takes to get you to sign, regardless of whether what they’re saying is true or not.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
LifeBeat for April 26, 2008
Dr. Francis Beckwith discusses popular pro-choice arguments and why those pro-choice arguments fail. To listen, click here.
Monday, April 21, 2008
LifeFacts - "Reprogrammed" Stem Cells Alleviate Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease in Rats
Brain-damaged rats with Parkinson's who once wandered in uncontrollable circles were successfully treated with stem cells from ethical sources. The researchers started with adult skin cells from mice and reprogrammed them back to an embryonic-like state. These cells, known as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), are like a "blank slate" which can be coaxed into becoming any cell in the body. In this case, the cells were coaxed to become neural cells and then transplanted into the rat's brain tissue. Within 8 weeks, the cells were generating dopamine, resulting in eight of the nine rats showing marked improvement.
"These cells are more readily available and much less controversial than embryonic stem cells. But they seem to have identical potential," said Rudolf Jaenisch, from the Whitehead Institute who oversaw the work. His lab has already used this reprogramming technique successfully to treat sickle cell anemia in rodents.
For more information, click here.
"These cells are more readily available and much less controversial than embryonic stem cells. But they seem to have identical potential," said Rudolf Jaenisch, from the Whitehead Institute who oversaw the work. His lab has already used this reprogramming technique successfully to treat sickle cell anemia in rodents.
For more information, click here.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
LifeBeat for April 19, 2008
Dr. Francis Beckwith discusses his prolife book Defending Life. He also talks about how Roe v. Wade has been the most misunderstood U.S. Supreme Court decision. To listen, click here.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
LifeBeat for April 12, 2008
Kurt Ramspott, president of Guys for Life, talks about why the role of men in abortion is often overlooked. He also discusses how Guys for Life reaches out to men who are involved in an unplanned pregnancy. To listen, click here.
Monday, April 7, 2008
What does embryonic stem cell research with no restrictions look like?
Perhaps you have seen them on a college or university campus or at the farmer's market -- people circulating petitions to have Michigan's constitution changed to allow the destruction of human embryos in Michigan for stem cell research.
Proponents of embryonic stem cell research in Michigan are pushing this petition drive because they want Michigan researchers to be on the “cutting edge” of embryonic stem cell experiments. The recent announcement out of Britain that scientists there have been able to create cloned embryos by mixing human DNA with the eggs of cows in an attempt to get embryonic stem cells precisely demonstrates that cutting edge.
In hopes of creating embryonic stem cell lines to match the DNA of human patients, British scientists at Newcastle University have resorted to creating cloned hybrid embryos which are part human and part cow. Cow eggs were used for these cloning experiments because researchers have had difficultly obtaining a large enough quantity of human eggs.
Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing said, “The cutting edge of stem cell research in Britain gives us a sneak preview at what unrestricted embryonic stem cell research looks like, and it isn’t pretty. Britain is a disturbing example of what happens when scientists aren’t restricted by solid ethical boundaries. The idea of ‘Can I do this?’ quickly overwhelms any thought of ‘Should I do this?’ This is what happens when respect for human life is discarded so all avenues of stem cell research can be explored.”
Researchers with the North East England Stem Cell Institute “used human eggs from consenting in vitro fertilization patients, but these are in short supply. Animal eggs are considered to be a viable alternative for research.”
Listing said, “There is a reason why Michigan has laws against the destruction of human embryos for research. What is happening at the North East England Stem Cell Institute is a reminder of why guidelines are critical for scientists.”
Proponents of embryonic stem cell research in Michigan are pushing this petition drive because they want Michigan researchers to be on the “cutting edge” of embryonic stem cell experiments. The recent announcement out of Britain that scientists there have been able to create cloned embryos by mixing human DNA with the eggs of cows in an attempt to get embryonic stem cells precisely demonstrates that cutting edge.
In hopes of creating embryonic stem cell lines to match the DNA of human patients, British scientists at Newcastle University have resorted to creating cloned hybrid embryos which are part human and part cow. Cow eggs were used for these cloning experiments because researchers have had difficultly obtaining a large enough quantity of human eggs.
Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing said, “The cutting edge of stem cell research in Britain gives us a sneak preview at what unrestricted embryonic stem cell research looks like, and it isn’t pretty. Britain is a disturbing example of what happens when scientists aren’t restricted by solid ethical boundaries. The idea of ‘Can I do this?’ quickly overwhelms any thought of ‘Should I do this?’ This is what happens when respect for human life is discarded so all avenues of stem cell research can be explored.”
Researchers with the North East England Stem Cell Institute “used human eggs from consenting in vitro fertilization patients, but these are in short supply. Animal eggs are considered to be a viable alternative for research.”
Listing said, “There is a reason why Michigan has laws against the destruction of human embryos for research. What is happening at the North East England Stem Cell Institute is a reminder of why guidelines are critical for scientists.”
Thursday, April 3, 2008
LifeBeat for April 5, 2008
Kurt Ramspott, president of Guys for Life, talks about how he came to work with men who are involved in an unplanned pregnancy and the role men can play in a woman's decision to have an abortion. To listen, click here.
Monday, March 31, 2008
More Abortion and More Profits at Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood's 2006-2007 Annual Report again shows how America's leading abortion provider continues to increase its share of the abortion market. The number of abortions performed at Planned Parenthood facilities rose to 289,750 in 2006 from the previous record high of 264,943 abortions in 2005. Approximately, 1 in 4 abortions performed in the United States are now performed at Planned Parenthood. The number of abortions performed at Planned Parenthood continue to increase despite the national decrease in the number of abortions.
While the number of abortions performed at Planned Parenthood grew, the number of prenatal clients and adoption referrals both decreased to 11,058 and 2,410, respectively. Planned Parenthood now commits 26 abortions for every pregnant prenatal client it sees and commits 120 abortions for every adoption referral. Abortion is clearly the number #1 choice for Planned Parenthood.
Increasing their annual total of abortions also didn't hurt Planned Parenthood's checkbook. Their annual revenue passed the $1 billion dollar for the first time and their profits (revenue over expenses) totaled a staggering $114.9 million (up from $55.8 million in 2005-2006). Planned Parenthood's net assets total $951.8 million dollars.
Planned Parenthood's 2005-2006 Annual Report can be downloaded at their web page here.
While the number of abortions performed at Planned Parenthood grew, the number of prenatal clients and adoption referrals both decreased to 11,058 and 2,410, respectively. Planned Parenthood now commits 26 abortions for every pregnant prenatal client it sees and commits 120 abortions for every adoption referral. Abortion is clearly the number #1 choice for Planned Parenthood.
Increasing their annual total of abortions also didn't hurt Planned Parenthood's checkbook. Their annual revenue passed the $1 billion dollar for the first time and their profits (revenue over expenses) totaled a staggering $114.9 million (up from $55.8 million in 2005-2006). Planned Parenthood's net assets total $951.8 million dollars.
Planned Parenthood's 2005-2006 Annual Report can be downloaded at their web page here.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
LifeBeat for March 29, 2008
Lauren Migliore, president of Students for Life of Michigan, talks about the activities of prolife college groups and why it's important for prolife college students to be active on campus. To listen, click here.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
LifeFacts - Toddler with Cerebral Palsy Recovering after Infusion with his own Cord Blood Stem Cells
The joy surrounding the birth of Dallas, after his parents spent three
years trying to conceive, turned to heartbreak when he was diagnosed
with cerebral palsy at 8 months old. Dallas could not breast feed,
crawl, sit up, clap or speak. He just screamed in an effort to
communicate. Dallas participated in a clinical trial at Duke University
using his own umbilical cord blood stored after his birth. The procedure
to infuse Dallas' own stem cells back into his bloodstream took less
than an hour. No less than five days later, he was laughing, clapping,
waving and said, "Mama".
There is no cure for cerebral palsy and it is very expensive to manage
over a person's lifetime. Whereas it costs about $2,000 to salvage cord
blood at birth and $120 a year to store it. The doctors expect Dallas,
now two, to be completely cured by the age of seven. Dallas and his Mom
and Dad were featured on NBC's Today Show on March 12, 2008.
For more information, click here and here.
years trying to conceive, turned to heartbreak when he was diagnosed
with cerebral palsy at 8 months old. Dallas could not breast feed,
crawl, sit up, clap or speak. He just screamed in an effort to
communicate. Dallas participated in a clinical trial at Duke University
using his own umbilical cord blood stored after his birth. The procedure
to infuse Dallas' own stem cells back into his bloodstream took less
than an hour. No less than five days later, he was laughing, clapping,
waving and said, "Mama".
There is no cure for cerebral palsy and it is very expensive to manage
over a person's lifetime. Whereas it costs about $2,000 to salvage cord
blood at birth and $120 a year to store it. The doctors expect Dallas,
now two, to be completely cured by the age of seven. Dallas and his Mom
and Dad were featured on NBC's Today Show on March 12, 2008.
For more information, click here and here.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Critical Reading of the Stem Cell Research Ballot Question Committee's web page
At, there's a new critical reading of the text on the front page of the Stem Cell Research BQC's web page. The Stem Cell Research BQC hopes to legalize the killing of human embryos for research in Michigan by gathering signatures and putting the question on Michigan's ballot in order to change Michigan's Constitution.
The front of their web page has a number of misleading claims regarding the potential of embryonic stem cell research and why this research isn't already curing people. Take the time to read this critical reading of their web page and visit so you'll be ready if someone wants you to sign a petition on embryonic stem cell research.
The front of their web page has a number of misleading claims regarding the potential of embryonic stem cell research and why this research isn't already curing people. Take the time to read this critical reading of their web page and visit so you'll be ready if someone wants you to sign a petition on embryonic stem cell research.
LifeBeat for March 22, 2008
Scott Klusendorf, President of the Life Training Institute, again talks about making a persuasive case for the prolife position. It is often important when discussing abortion to ask people who are pro-choice to back up the criteria they use to discriminate against the unborn with reasons for why they think their criteria are valid. To listen, click here.
Students for Life of Michigan Conference
On March 29, 2008, Students for Life of Michigan will be holding their annual conference. Students for Life of Michigan's annual conference is a time for prolife college students from across the state to come together for a weekend of networking, education and fun. The event will be held at the Ave Maria School of Law, located at 3475 Plymouth Rd. in Ann Arbor. There will be a number of prolife speakers including Congressman Tim Walberg, Rebecca Kiessling and Right to Life of Michigan Legislative Director Ed Rivet. The conference fee of $15 includes three meals and a hotel stay on Friday night. More information about this event can be found online at
Monday, March 17, 2008
Michigan Senate passes parental consent revisions
On March 11, the Michigan Senate voted 25-12 to pass prolife legislation which would prevent minors from going to a neighboring circuit court if one circuit court denies their attempts to receive a judicial bypass to get an abortion without parental consent. S.B. 1059 also provides uniform standards for courts to follow as guidelines in determining whether or not to waive parental consent for a minor seeking an abortion. The legislation now moves on to the Michigan House where a similar bill (H.B. 5650) is waiting for a vote. For more information about this legislation, click here.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
LifeFacts - Adult Cells Function Identically to Embryonic Stem Cells
Scientists at UCLA have successfully reprogrammed human skin cells back to an embryonic-like state, confirming work previously done in Wisconsin and Japan. This research sidesteps ethical roadblocks, since there is no need to destroy human embryos or obtain large quantities of human eggs. "Our reprogrammed human skin cells were virtually indistinguishable from human embryonic stem cells," said Kathrin Plath who headed up the study. The implications could be enormous since by reprogramming the cells, a limitless source of pluripotent, immune-compatible cells would be available for tissue engineering and transplantation. The reprogrammed cells could be coaxed into becoming beta islet cells to treat diabetes, hematopoetic cells to treat leukemia, or motor neuron cells to treat Parkinson's, for example.
For more information, click here.
For more information, click here.
LifeBeat for March 15, 2008
Scott Klusendorf, President of the Life Training Institute, talks about making a persuasive case for the prolife position. Though the unborn are smaller, less developed, in a different environment, and have a different degree of dependency than most born people, none of those differences make the unborn less valuable than born human beings. To listen, click here.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
LifeBeat for March 8, 2008
Chaunie Brusie talks about her experience as a pregnant student enrolled in college and her efforts to convince her university to provide more resources for pregnant and parenting students. To listen, click here.
Monday, March 3, 2008
LifeFacts - Custom Made Replacement Jaw Grown from Patient's Own Adult Stem Cells
A 65 year old man in Finland had his upper jaw removed due to a benign tumor and could not eat or speak without inserting a removable prosthesis. Scientists successfully created a new jaw bone by using adult stem cells from the patient. First scientists isolated stem cells from the patient's fat tissue and grew them in the lab for two weeks in a “nutritious soup” especially formulated for growth. They attached the stem cells to a scaffold made out of calcium phosphate and placed it inside the patient's abdomen where it grew for nine months. The stem cells differentiated into all the various tissues necessary, including blood vessels. The scientists removed the newly built jawbone from the patient's abdomen and transplanted it into the patient's head with screws and surgically connected the blood vessels. Riitta Suuronen, University of Tampere, Finland reported that the patient recovered quicker than if he had a bone graft taken from his own leg.
For more information, click here.
For more information, click here.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
LifeBeat for March 1, 2008
Ed Rivet, Legislative Director for Right to Life of Michigan, discusses how legislative efforts to legalize killing human embryos for research in Michigan have failed and how new efforts are being made using a ballot initiative petition drive. He also talks about Right to Life of Michigan's upcoming Legislative Day. To listen, click here.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
LifeBeat for February 23, 2008
Ed Rivet, Legislative Director for Right to Life of Michigan, discusses legislation to ban partial-birth abortion in Michigan and why this legislation is important. He also talks about legislation which would strengthen Michigan's parental consent legislation by preventing judge-shopping for parental consent waivers. To listen, click here.
State Senator Gretchen Whitmer Misleading the Public on Stem Cell Research
Recently on the Lansing-based radio show City Pulse Live, State Senator Gretchen Whitmer claimed the state of Michigan has "an all out ban on embryonic stem cell research." Senator Whitmer was quickly corrected by the radio host and admitted that Michigan only has a ban on killing human embryos for research and researchers can import embryonic stem cell lines from other states and do research on embryonic stem cells in Michigan. She then tried to claim that doing research on embryonic stem cells isn't actual embryonic stem cell research. Senator Whitmer apparently believes that killing human embryos for their stem cells is the only kind of embryonic stem cell research and actually doing research on embryonic stem cell lines isn't embryonic stem cell research.
She also falsely claimed there are only 5 embryonic stem cell lines approved for federal funding by the Bush administration. There are currently 21 embryonic stem lines available for federal funding. It should also be noted that the University of Michigan has raised funds to do research on embryonic stem cell lines which aren't approved for federal funding.
In addition, Senator Whitmer attempted to act like people with diseases in Michigan were leaving the state to receive treatment elsewhere as if embryonic stem cells were treating people in other states. The reality is that not a single human patient has ever been successfully treated with embryonic stem cells.
When the topic of human cloning came up, Seantor Whitmer said, "We have the same ethical reservations everyone else does about cloning. We don't want to get into that business."
If so, why did Senator Whitmer introduce Senate Bill 52 on January 24, 2007, which would, if passed, legalize human cloning (also known as somatic cell nuclear transfer) in Michigan?
Towards the end of the interview and when answering questions from callers, Whitmer claimed human embryos aren't human life because they are small and 4-days-old and that when life starts is a "personal question."
Whitmer agreed to the interview but didn't want anyone opposed to killing human embryos in the studio at the time of the interview but promised to do an interview later with an individual opposed to embryonic stem cell research. Right to Life of Michigan looks forward to correcting the blatantly false information being propagated by State Senator Gretchen Whitmer in the future.
She also falsely claimed there are only 5 embryonic stem cell lines approved for federal funding by the Bush administration. There are currently 21 embryonic stem lines available for federal funding. It should also be noted that the University of Michigan has raised funds to do research on embryonic stem cell lines which aren't approved for federal funding.
In addition, Senator Whitmer attempted to act like people with diseases in Michigan were leaving the state to receive treatment elsewhere as if embryonic stem cells were treating people in other states. The reality is that not a single human patient has ever been successfully treated with embryonic stem cells.
When the topic of human cloning came up, Seantor Whitmer said, "We have the same ethical reservations everyone else does about cloning. We don't want to get into that business."
If so, why did Senator Whitmer introduce Senate Bill 52 on January 24, 2007, which would, if passed, legalize human cloning (also known as somatic cell nuclear transfer) in Michigan?
Towards the end of the interview and when answering questions from callers, Whitmer claimed human embryos aren't human life because they are small and 4-days-old and that when life starts is a "personal question."
Whitmer agreed to the interview but didn't want anyone opposed to killing human embryos in the studio at the time of the interview but promised to do an interview later with an individual opposed to embryonic stem cell research. Right to Life of Michigan looks forward to correcting the blatantly false information being propagated by State Senator Gretchen Whitmer in the future.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Letter to Detroit News on stem cell research
The following letter was submitted to the Detroit News in response to an editorial by Michael Staebler.
A recent editorial by Michael Staebler, a member of the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute Leadership Council, lamented over Michigan law which prohibits the killing of human embryos for research. The editorial claimed Michigan needed to change its law to "retain and recruit the best and brightest at Michigan" and that Michigan was seen as "a backwater for serious science." If so, why did Dr. Ivan Maillard, whom stem cell researcher Sean Morrison labeled "the top young stem cell biologist in the country on the job market last year" in a Life Sciences Institute publication, decide to come to the University of Michigan in 2007 in spite of "intense competition from other research universities?" Why would "the top young stem cell biologist" wade through the supposed "backwater" of Michigan with its supposedly "medieval mentality" when other universities recruited him so heavily?
Maybe it's because some scientists don't see killing human embryos for research as the end-all and be-all of science. Or maybe it's because cutting edge stem cell work doesn't require the killing of human embryos.
Too often proponents of killing human embryos for research tend to gravitate towards wild exaggerations when they lack solid arguments.
LifeBeat for February 16, 2008
Saralee Howard, the director of the Shared Pregnancy crisis pregnancy center, discusses her experience writing the life stories of individuals who are terminally ill and how these experiences relate to her belief about the preciousness of all human life. To listen, click here.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
LifeBeat for February 9, 2008
Sidewalk counselor Mary Verwys again discusses her prolife ministry at the Omega House and why she believes it is important for there to be prolife ministries next to abortion clinics. To listen, click here.
Life Facts - 7,000th Myeloma Adult Stem Cell Transplant
The Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy located at the University of Arkansas performed its 7,000th adult stem cell transplant on October 10, 2007. The five year survival rate at the Institute is now more than 65%; the median survival rate is 7 years. Myeloma, a cancer of the blood's plasma, is treated by collecting stem cells from the patient (or umbilical cord blood if the patient's healthy stem cells are in short supply), infusing a high-dose chemotherapy (which kills the cancer along with the patient's immune system), and then transplanting the stem cells back into the bone marrow to promote immune recovery. The institute treats more than 2,250 patients annually from all over the world, suffering from myeloma. Research is ongoing, drawing from 19,000 tissue samples to identify the genetic mechanisms that trigger myeloma.
For more information, click here.
For more information, click here.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
LifeBeat for February 2, 2008
Sidewalk counselor Mary Verwys talks about her work at the Omega House. The Omega House is a prolife ministry which is located next door to an abortion clinic. To listen, click here.
Friday, January 25, 2008
LifeBeat for January 26, 2008
Carrie Gordon Earll, senior director of issue analysis for Focus on the Family, discusses some of the lies about abortion that many in our society believe. She also discusses how churches can reach out to women who have had abortions. To listen, click here.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Ban on Partial-Birth Abortion Passes Michigan Senate
On January 22, 2008, the Michigan Senate passed Senate Bill 776, known as the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, by a vote of 24-13. This bill if passed in the Michigan House and signed by Governor Granholm would make it a crime in Michigan law to perform a partial-birth abortion. Any abortionist who "performs the overt act that kills the partially delivered living fetus rather than completing the delivery" would be guilty of a felony. For more information about this legislation, visit Right to Life of Michigan's web page on this legislation.
The Detroit News carried this article about the bill's passage.
The Detroit News carried this article about the bill's passage.
Monday, January 21, 2008
State Senator Gretchen Whitmer falsely claims embryonic stem cell research banned in Michigan
Below is a letter to the editor of the Lansing State Journal which was submitted in response to a January 20 editorial by State Senator Gretchen Whitmer which falsely claimed that embryonic stem cell research is banned in Michigan.
In a recent editorial, State Senator Gretchen Whitmer falsely claimed Michigan "ban(s) embryonic stem cell research." Embryonic stem cell research has been occurring in Michigan since 2002. The University of Michigan has a "Michigan Center for hES (human embryonic stem) Cell Research." Their web page ( boasts that "(m)ore than 40 scientists are active participants in the Center for hES Cell Research." Michigan law doesn't prevent embryonic stem cell research, it prevents human cloning and killing embryos for research.
Senator Whitmer wants to change that. Legislation she's sponsoring (Senate Bill 52) would change the definition of "human cloning" to legalize the creation of human embryos through a cloning procedure called somatic cell nuclear transfer. Yet her editorial cites "restrictions" like only using embryos "created for IVF."
Why do proponents of cloning and killing embryos continuously try to deceive us? We deserve better from our elected representatives.
Head of Van Andel Institute says, "We don't have a reason to do" embryonic stem cell research
During a recent interview with the Grand Rapids Press, David Van Andel, Chief Executive of the Van Andel Institute in Grand Rapids, was asked whether the Van Andel Institute "ever will do embryonic stem-cell research?"
His response is below. He notes one of the major problems with ever using embryonic stem cells to treat patients and mentions why that's one of the reasons recent research creating patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cell lines without killing human embryos is so important.
His response is below. He notes one of the major problems with ever using embryonic stem cells to treat patients and mentions why that's one of the reasons recent research creating patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cell lines without killing human embryos is so important.
A: We don't have a reason to do it. I mean, everybody's trying to force this on me, and I say, why? If at some point we find that stem-cell research of any kind offers an opportunity for one of the diseases we're in, we certainly will look at it and, in some cases, probably engage in it. I don't see a reason to go down the road, because I don't have anybody tell me, 'I want to go do this.' ... One of the major obstacles in embryonic stem cells that has not gotten a lot of attention is the fact that you're using somebody else's cells to make these, and you're going to plant them in your body. There's a huge rejection issue that has to be overcome, and nobody talked about that. That's why this other discovery was so important, because it was using your cells from your body, and that rejection issue gets negated. That's a major, major deal.
Friday, January 18, 2008
LifeBeat for January 19, 2008
Carrie Gordon Earll, senior director of issues analysis at Focus on the Family, discusses how churches can share the prolife message. She also discusses how most Americans don't understand what Roe v. Wade actually did. You can test your Roe IQ at To listen, click here.
Friday, January 11, 2008
LifeBeat for January 12, 2008
Carrie Gordon Earll, senior director of issues analysis at Focus on the Family, discusses Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, its importance and what churches can do. To listen, click here.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Critical Reading of a Jack Lessenberry editorial on stem cell research
The most recent critical reading has been posted at
This critical reading points out numerous errors in an editorial by Jack Lessenberry on stem cell research which was printed in the Traverse City Record-Eagle on December 23, 2007.
Among the errors Lessenberry makes are falsely claiming again that embryonic stem cell research is outlawed in Michigan, not knowing who is sponsoring legislation to legalize the killing of human embryos in research and not knowing how much money will be spent on embryonic stem cell research in California.
This critical reading points out numerous errors in an editorial by Jack Lessenberry on stem cell research which was printed in the Traverse City Record-Eagle on December 23, 2007.
Among the errors Lessenberry makes are falsely claiming again that embryonic stem cell research is outlawed in Michigan, not knowing who is sponsoring legislation to legalize the killing of human embryos in research and not knowing how much money will be spent on embryonic stem cell research in California.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Toledo Blade editorial and Jack Lessenberry get stem cell facts wrong
On December 30, 2007, the Toledo Blade published a poorly researched editorial on stem cell research which made a large number of claims which were factually incorrect. The editorial was based largely on a previous editorial written by Jack Lessenberry. The following letter to the editor was submitted in response to the Blade editorial.
The Blade's December 30th editorial on stem cell research, which strongly mirrored a former editorial by Jack Lessenberry, made a number of false claims.
First, the editorial claims Michigan has a "stem-cell ban." This is a ridiculous claim as the University of Michigan has a Center for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research and received a large federal grant to perform embryonic stem cell research in 2003. Michigan's laws ban the killing of human embryos for research and human cloning. Researchers can and do import embryonic stem cells from other states and perform research on them in Michigan.
Second, Rep. Paul Condino isn't the primary sponsor of the legislation attempting to overturn Michigan's laws. Rep. Mark Meadows is the primary sponsor of HB 4617 and HB 4618, while Rep. Andy Meisner is the primary sponsor of HB 4616. Rep. Paul Condino isn't listed as even a co-sponsor on any of these bills.
The editorial also falsely claims Right to Life of Michigan "has convinced people that aborted fetuses would be used for such research." This statement doesn't have an ounce of truth to it. Right to Life of Michigan's website has loads of information on embryonic stem cell research and none of it claims embryonic stem cells come from aborted children. Right to Life of Michigan has also created a web site focused on stem cell research at Nowhere on this site will you see the claim that embryonic stem cells come from aborted fetuses.
The editorial also claims Californians voted to "tax themselves" $10 billion for embryonic stem cell research. Proposition 71, which was passed by California voters in 2004 allows $3 billion to be spent on embryonic stem cell research over 10 years and will likely cost taxpayers somewhere around $6 billion.
LifeBeat for January 5, 2008
Barbara Listing, president of Right to Life of Michigan, discusses what prolifers in Michigan should be aware of in 2008. A petition drive to legalize the cloning and killing of human embryos could begin collecting signatures in the near future. To listen, click here.
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