Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed prolife omnibus House Bill 5711 on Friday, December 28, giving prolife people in Michigan a huge victory for the cause of life. H.B. 5711, a.k.a. the Prolife Bus, addresses the persistent pattern of neglect in regulating abortion clinic practices in Michigan. There was a long overdue need for governmental reforms because women's safety was being compromised.
In addition to clinic regulations, H.B. 5711 will prevent women from being coerced to abort, end the shameful practice of disposing aborted babies in trash bins, and prevent the abortion chemical RU-486 from being facilitated over the Internet.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
MLive covers closed Muskegon abortion clinic
MLive has a story on the abortion clinic in Muskegon which has been closed by the city's fire department and building inspector.
Jeffrey Lewis, Muskegon’s director of public safety, said the closure was issued due to potential fire-, health- and building-code violations.....
A reporter with MLive and The Muskegon Chronicle was unable to make contact with an official with the clinic. An email seeking comment also was sent but no reply was immediately received.
Lewis said Muskegon police officers noticed the alleged violations when they responded to the facility on an unrelated service call. He said they entered the building and noticed some items that drew their attention, so they contacted the fire marshal.
The fire marshal and building inspector later investigated and issued the order revoking the clinic's occupancy permit, he said.
Lewis said the city has attempted to contact the owner, whose name is not being released at this time, and the order closing the facility was posted. He said Public Health-Muskegon County also has been contacted.
NY Times editorial page attacks prolife legislation in Michigan
Prolife legislation in Michigan must be doing something good if the New York Times editorial board deems it worthy enough to attack in an editorial.
to the New York Times editorial board, safety rules to regulate and inspect abortion clinics and rules that save prolife women from
being forced to pay for abortions through their insurance plans are
actually an "affront" to all Michigan women.
The Times editorial also shows they favor allowing abortionists to prescribe dangerous abortion drugs to women without ever physically examining them and seem to think the majority of abortion clinics do cancer screenings.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Muskegon abortion clinic closed by fire department
An abortion clinic located in Muskegon, Michigan has been boarded up and a sign notes the building "shall not be occupied until approval has been granted by the Fire Prevention Bureau of the City of Muskegon."
The sign is dated December 26, 2012.
The sign is dated December 26, 2012.
Life After 40: Week 37
During the 37th week of pregnancy, the baby begins positioning her head down in the womb to make birth easier.
Should abortion clinics be less regulated than tattoo parlors?
In a recent editorial, Rebecca Mastee of the Michigan Catholic Conference argues in favor of HB 5711, prolife legislation to regulate abortion clinics in Michigan.
What the legislation does do is make sure that any woman who pursues an abortion would enter a facility that is both licensed and inspected by the state of Michigan for health and safety standards.
Currently, those requirements are lacking. Of the 32 locations in Michigan that perform abortions, only four are licensed by the state as surgical facilities. As such, the other 28 clinics are not licensed and are rarely, if ever, inspected for basic standards related to cleanliness and a safe, sterile environment.
The reforms found in HB5711 are overdue. No person would want to see a loved one, a female relative or friend, walk into a surgical facility where sanitation, cleanliness and confidentiality are, at best, questionable. The public demands better. Women deserve better. Ensuring a safe environment upholds the dignity women expect.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Life After 40: Week 36
During the 36th week of pregnancy, the baby is getting quite cramped in the womb now, but she is still able
to move around. What a big change the next month will bring!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Time for celebration
The Prolife Bus moves to Gov. Snyder
As with any
journey which includes unexpected roadblocks and detours, when you have
arrived at your destination there is cause for celebration.
Right to Life of
Michigan President Barbara Listing said, "Prolife people never gave up,
never got off the Prolife Bus. They knew this legislation was needed."
The Prolife Bus or
Omnibus bill, H.B. 5711, addresses the persistent pattern of neglect in
regulating abortion clinic practices in Michigan. There was a long
overdue need for governmental reforms. Women's safety was being
compromised. But that will change when the Prolife Bus bill is signed
into law by Governor Rick Snyder.
On December
14, in the wee hours of the morning, the concurring votes were taken in
the Michigan House and Senate, both by overwhelming 2 to 1 margins. The
last stop for the Prolife Bus bill is the Governor's desk.
In the 2011-2012
session, a Partial Birth Abortion Ban was enacted; abortion coverage
from ALL insurance plans in Michigan was eliminated; and the first
omnibus prolife bill in the history of Michigan was passed. This is
historic and unprecedented.
Dedicated prolife people and faithful prolife lawmakers made all of these accomplishments possible. It is time to celebrate and thank our prolife legislators with calls and e-mail messages!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Prolife Bus heading to Governor Snyder's desk
Late last night, the Michigan House voted 72-35 to concur with changes made in the Michigan Senate. The bill now heads to Governor Snyder for his signature.
Referring to pictures that he said he saw of the 17 fetal remains from the abortion clinic in 2010, he said: “I saw these aborted babies, they were little human beings. If (critics of the bill) want to call them medical waste that’s their prerogative… I saw very vivid pictures of babies.”
Ed Rivet, legislative director for Right to Life Michigan, said opponents of the bill intentionally misinterpreted its language to confuse the issue.
He said the intent of the law was not to shame women out of abortions through a conversation about the fetus. Rather it was about simply making sure fetuses — whether from an abortion or a stillbirth — were handled properly, he said.
“Look, they can’t be thrown in the trash,” he said.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Legislative update - Prolife Bus passes Senate
The Michigan Senate approved the Prolife Bus, H.B. 5711, Wednesday with
a 27-10 vote! Next, H.B. 5711 will go back to the House for a
concurring vote (which is a formality) and then to Gov. Rick Snyder
for his signature. Your hard work and lobbying has paid off.
In addition, the House Insurance Committee passed the Religious Liberty & Conscience Protection Act, S.B. 975. Next, S.B. 975 will go to the full House for a vote.
In addition, the House Insurance Committee passed the Religious Liberty & Conscience Protection Act, S.B. 975. Next, S.B. 975 will go to the full House for a vote.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Life After 40: Week 35
During the 35th week of pregnancy, in preparation for birth, the baby begins to gain lots of weight, about a half a pound every week.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
House may consider Conscience Protection
Full lobby effort needed on Senate Bill 975
The lame duck session in Lansing has been chaotic as expected, but prolife legislation continues to be acted on. Last Thursday, December 6, the Senate approved S.B. 975, the Religious Liberty & Conscience Protection Act. It is now pending in the House Insurance Committee, which could hold a hearing on it Wednesday, December 12. Action by that committee could be followed by the entire House voting on the bill by Thursday, December 13.
We need a full lobbying effort to state representatives in Lansing immediately. Generate calls and emails to their offices encouraging a "YES" vote on S.B. 975!
is a list of the prolife House Insurance Committee members. If your
state representative is a member of the committee, extra effort is
needed to connect with him or her.
House Insurance Committee Members:
Lund (chair), Cindy Denby, Ben Glardon, Joel Johnson, Andrea
LaFontaine, Lisa Lyons, Margaret O'Brien, Paul Opsommer, Roy
Schmidt, Deb Shaughnessy, Ken Yonker.
S.B. 975 would provide religious liberty and conscience protection in three areas:
- No one can be forced to purchase or offer for purchase a health benefit that violates one's conscience.
- No health care provider can suffer employment discrimination for raising a conscientious objection to a procedure, drug or service.
- No health facility can be required to provide an objectionable service.
How to help
Make a phone call and send an e-mail message to your Michigan House Representative and ask for a "Yes" vote on S.B. 975.
Detroit Free Press editorial board attacks prolife legislation without actually reading it
Instead of reading pending prolife legislation in Michigan and then attempting to make an argument against it, the editorial board of the Detroit Free Press has decided to just take the word of Planned Parenthood Mid and South Michigan CEO Lori Lamerand. In a editorial today, they allow Lamerand to falsely claim Michigan's Abortion Insurance Opt-Out legislation isn't clear as to what "elective abortion" is.
There's one problem with this argument. The legislation clearly defines "elective abortion."
The editorial also imaginatively claims that, "Abortion is, by nature, an emergency response to an unforeseen circumstance."
As for the insurance rider, the language of the provision is murky, Lamerand said. It refers to "elective" abortion, but doesn't really make clear what that means.
"As far as we know, it's unprecedented in the country," she said.
There's one problem with this argument. The legislation clearly defines "elective abortion."
(a) "Elective abortion" means the intentional use of an instrument, drug, or other substance or device to terminate a woman's pregnancy for a purpose other than to increase the probability of a live birth, to preserve the life or health of the child after live birth, or to remove a dead fetus. Elective abortion does not include either of the following:
(i) The prescription of or use of a drug or device intended as a contraceptive.
(ii) The intentional use of an instrument, drug, or other substance or device by a physician to terminate a woman's pregnancy if the woman's physical condition, in the physician's reasonable medical judgment, necessitates the termination of the woman's pregnancy to avert her death.
The editorial also imaginatively claims that, "Abortion is, by nature, an emergency response to an unforeseen circumstance."
Monday, December 10, 2012
Michigan releases 2011 abortion statistics
The Michigan Department of Community Health released abortion statistics for 2011. Below is a brief summary from the state web site. There was a very slight increase (0.25%) in the number of reported abortions in 2011. Right to Life of Michigan's work is needed to provide life-affirming education and resource referrals to mothers and families facing an untimely pregnancy.
Complete Summary
Number of Reported Induced Abortions by County of Residence
Number of Reported Induced Abortions by City of Residence and Age of Woman for Cities with Over 40,000 Population -
Quick links to 2011 abortion data below:Characteristics of Induced Abortions Reported in Michigan
A total of 23,366 induced abortions were reported in Michigan in 2011, which was a 0.25 percent increase from the total of 23,307 reported in 2010 but a 52.4 percent decrease since 1987 (the year with the largest number of induced abortions).
In 2011, about half of the resident women receiving abortions had no previous induced abortions. In general, from 1985 through 2011, a gradual increase has been observed with the proportion of women reporting two or more induced abortions, going from 14.6 percent in 1985 to 24.1 percent in 2011. The proportion of women who had no previous induced abortion has been generally declining, falling from 59.5 percent in 1985 to 49.7 percent in 2011.
The majority of Michigan residents receiving induced abortions (51.1 percent) were under 25 years of age, while 15.7 percent were less than 20 years old. These are much smaller proportions than the 64.6 and 30.6 percent observed, respectively, in 1985.
In 2011, 89.6 percent of the Michigan women who obtained an induced abortion were not married, an 8.7% increase from the 82.4 percent reported in 1985.
Complete Summary
Number of Reported Induced Abortions by County of Residence
Number of Reported Induced Abortions by City of Residence and Age of Woman for Cities with Over 40,000 Population -
Legislature moves to keep abortion out of standard insurance plans in health exchange
Last week, the Michigan legislature moved on a variety of pieces of prolife legislation including a bill to prevent abortion from being part of standard insurance coverage offered in health exchanges.
Michigan women who buy their insurance from state health care exchanges would have to buy separate riders to pay for elective abortions under a controversial measure passed by the Michigan Senate on Thursday.
"It was an initiative we'd been working on diligently for 23 months. ... We're very, very, very pleased," said Ed Rivet, legislative director of Right to Life of Michigan. "We've lived for 40 years with abortion being built into most benefit plans, and you have to opt the coverage out of the plan. Now, it's reversed. Now, if it's abortion coverage, you can still have it, but you have to add it."
Friday, December 7, 2012
Life Lobby Day a Huge Success
For those who joined Right to Life of Michigan for Life Lobby Day on
Thursday, December 6, thank you! Your presence did make a difference.
More than 800 prolife people joined together to support life-affirming
Abortion Insurance Opt-Out (S.B. 612, 613 & 614). This
legislation passed in the House and Senate on December 6. This
legislation is going to Gov. Rick Snyder for his signature.
Religious Liberty & Conscience Protection Act (S.B. 975). Passed in the Senate on December 6.
The "Prolife Bus" (H.B. 5711). The Prolife Bus Bill is ready for action on Tuesday, December 11.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Life After 40: Week 34
During the 34th week of pregnancy, fingernails have now fully grown out on her fingers as the baby reaches more than a foot and a half in length.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Poll finds widespread support for legislation to require abortion clinics to be licensed and inspected
A survey conducted by Marketing Resource Group finds that 85% of people in Michigan favor legislation which would require abortion clinics to be licensed and inspected. Currently only a small number of Michigan's abortion clinics are licensed. The majority of abortion clinics are rarely, if ever, inspected. Legislation to require abortion clinic licensing and inspection has passed the state House and is currently waiting action in the Michigan Senate.
According to a statewide survey conducted by Lansing-based Marketing Resource Group, 85 percent of all respondents, including 76 percent of self-identified Democrat pro-choice women, support the abortion clinic licensing and inspecting policy......
This survey was conducted by MRG and commissioned by the Michigan Catholic Conference. It sampled 600 likely voters (34 percent Democrat, 34 percent Independent and 30 percent Republican) and has a statistical margin of error of +/- 4 percent.
Excitement building for Life Lobby Day
Your help is needed in Lansing on December 6
The Michigan Legislature began its three-week "lame duck" session and prolife activists need to mobilize NOW to insure that legislation
worked on for the past 23 months is completed before the clock runs out.
Earlier this year the State House passed an unprecedented package of prolife bills, led by House Bill 5711, an omnibus bill combining 5 separate prolife bills into one bill (known as the Prolife Bus). A Senate Committee quickly followed suit and moved the bill to the Senate floor. The bill is very close to being ready for a final vote and presentation to the governor, but we must press hard to be sure nothing knocks this bill off course in the chaotic days of the lame duck session.
This is a call to rally the troops! To insure these critical prolife bills are completed, we need scores of citizen activists from across the state to come to Lansing on Thursday, December 6. We will convene in Room 426 of the State Capitol Building, beginning at 10 a.m. Briefing sessions with instructions and materials will be held every half hour at 10 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11 a.m., and 11:30 a.m.
To have a reasonable idea about attendance, we have set up a special email account: LobbyDay@rtl.org to RSVP. Please let us know how many are coming. You may direct questions to that email address, too.
If your schedule does not allow you to attend Life Lobby Day, you can do two important things:
Michigan House Representatives
Earlier this year the State House passed an unprecedented package of prolife bills, led by House Bill 5711, an omnibus bill combining 5 separate prolife bills into one bill (known as the Prolife Bus). A Senate Committee quickly followed suit and moved the bill to the Senate floor. The bill is very close to being ready for a final vote and presentation to the governor, but we must press hard to be sure nothing knocks this bill off course in the chaotic days of the lame duck session.
This is a call to rally the troops! To insure these critical prolife bills are completed, we need scores of citizen activists from across the state to come to Lansing on Thursday, December 6. We will convene in Room 426 of the State Capitol Building, beginning at 10 a.m. Briefing sessions with instructions and materials will be held every half hour at 10 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11 a.m., and 11:30 a.m.
To have a reasonable idea about attendance, we have set up a special email account: LobbyDay@rtl.org to RSVP. Please let us know how many are coming. You may direct questions to that email address, too.
Map (showing parking lots and ramps)
If your schedule does not allow you to attend Life Lobby Day, you can do two important things:
- Recruit others to attend Life Lobby Day (on your behalf)
- Call, email, or write your state representative and state senator in Lansing and ask them to support the Prolife Bus and Abortion Exchange Opt Out bills.
Michigan House Representatives
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Another Planned Parenthood affiliate decides to disaffiliate because of abortion requirement
While Planned Parenthood (the nation's largest abortion provider) claims abortion is only a small part of what they do, they quietly issued a new policy which requires every Planned Parenthood affiliate to provide abortions by the beginning of 2013. While some affiliates have merged to comply with the abortion edict, other affiliates have chosen not to comply and disaffiliated themselves with Planned Parenthood. The latest news of disaffiliation comes from the state of New York.
If abortion is only a small part of what Planned Parenthood does, then why are they forcing affiliates to provide them and in the process losing affiliates?
Planned Parenthood provided 329,445 abortions performed in 2010 which is more than 1/4 of all abortions performed in the United States.
Planned Parenthood of South Central New York will change its name because of a requirement by the national federation that will force all local offices to perform abortions by 2013.
In a news release issued Wednesday evening, officials with Planned Parenthood of South Central New York said the local offices will become an independent organization next year.
If abortion is only a small part of what Planned Parenthood does, then why are they forcing affiliates to provide them and in the process losing affiliates?
Planned Parenthood provided 329,445 abortions performed in 2010 which is more than 1/4 of all abortions performed in the United States.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Life After 40: Week 33
During the 33rd week of pregnancy, small pupils in the baby’s eyes can function, dilating and constricting in dim or bright light.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Prolife Lobby Day on December 6
Make plans to attend Lobby Day on Thursday, December 6 in Lansing! We've worked too hard to have our Prolife Bus Bill and Obamacare Abortion Opt-Out Package left out at the end of the term. Join us for morning briefings in the Capitol at 10:00, 10:30, 11:00 or 11:30, followed by an opportunity to communicate with our representatives.
If you can help us pass these life-saving laws, email us at lobbyday@rtl.org to tell us you are coming. The first 100 RSVPs will receive a free prolife t-shirt at Lobby Day.
Letter to editor points out failings in supporting spending Michigan tax dollars on embryonic stem cell research
In a letter to the editor published in the Detroit Free Press, Paul Long, President and CEO of Michigan Catholic Conference, ably demonstrates the folly of encouraging the state of Michigan to throw money down the drain and use tax-dollars to support embryonic stem cell research.
Four years past Michigan's ballot question that allowed for human embryos to be destroyed in Michigan, the research continues to divide both the research community and the general public.In recent days, both the Detroit Free Press and the Michigan Daily have advocated on behalf of spending Michigan tax dollars on failed embryonic stem cell experiments.
With campaign promises of life-saving cures and an influx of jobs entirely unfulfilled, advocates now claim that a lack of taxpayer funding has impeded results. This tacit request for tax dollars should sound the alarm, as it did for the proposal's supporters who accused opponents of lying when the question of public funding was raised.
Considering that more than $100 million in private grant dollars have been allocated in Michigan toward an industry that has, state after state, failed to live up to its hype, calls for hundreds of millions more in public funding will certainly blow away with the wind.
CDC: U.S. Abortions Fell by 5% in 2009
The Centers for Disease Control recently released their 2009 Abortion Surveillance report which notes that abortions fell 5% from 2008. The report doesn't include reporting from a number of states, including California but reports trends from states which have reliably provided them abortion statistics over the years.
The report also says that at least 12 women died in 2008 from legal abortions.
To come up with reliable year-to-year comparisons, the CDC used the numbers from 43 states and two cities — those that have been sending in data consistently for at least 10 years. The researchers found that abortions per 1,000 women of child-bearing age fell from about 16 in 2008 to roughly 15 in 2009. That translates to nearly 38,000 fewer abortions in one year.
The report also says that at least 12 women died in 2008 from legal abortions.
Critical Prolife Teleseminar at 1 p.m. today
On Tuesday, November 27, at 1 p.m., Right to Life of Michigan will
host a Teleseminar to provide details regarding the upcoming Lobby
Day slated for Thursday, December 6.
During the Teleseminar you will hear from Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing and Right to Life of Michigan Legislative Director Ed Rivet about Lobby Day in Lansing at the State Capitol on Thursday, December 6, 2012. We need hundreds of prolife citizen activists to flood the Capitol Building that day to be sure the Prolife Bus bill and the ObamaCare Abortion Opt Out package get final action before the year ends.
We have made too much progress on these bills over the past 23 months to see them go by the wayside at the end of session. Everything we have worked for is at stake!
This information may be shared with other prolife leaders.
Please plan to listen to the Teleseminar over the Internet or call in and listen by phone. Details are below.
During the Teleseminar you will hear from Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing and Right to Life of Michigan Legislative Director Ed Rivet about Lobby Day in Lansing at the State Capitol on Thursday, December 6, 2012. We need hundreds of prolife citizen activists to flood the Capitol Building that day to be sure the Prolife Bus bill and the ObamaCare Abortion Opt Out package get final action before the year ends.
We have made too much progress on these bills over the past 23 months to see them go by the wayside at the end of session. Everything we have worked for is at stake!
This information may be shared with other prolife leaders.
Please plan to listen to the Teleseminar over the Internet or call in and listen by phone. Details are below.
Title: RLM Lobby Day - December 6We are looking forward to providing you with all the details regarding this vital December 6 Lobby Day in Lansing. There will be an opportunity to submit questions using the web page, http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventID=35654313
Time: Tuesday, November 27th at 1 p.m.
To attend and listen over the Internet, visit:
Or, use your phone and call: (206) 402-0100
Pin Code: 662744#
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Life After 40: Week 32
During the 32nd week of pregnancy, the baby’s first haircut happens as lanugo begins to fall off.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Robin Erb and Detroit Free Press shill for embryonic stem cells again
In the most recent of a long line of puff pieces the Detroit Free Press has printed on embryonic stem cell research, Detroit Free Press Medical Writer Robin Erb continuously reiterates the lie that embryonic stem cell research was banned in Michigan prior to 2008 while at the same time trying to downplay the complete failure of embryonic stem cells to create the cures it advocates promised.
Instead of cures, Erb celebrates that the University of Michigan is submitting human embryonic stem cell lines to the National Institutes of Health.
Erb also includes this ridiculous assertion from embryonic stem cell advocate and billionaire Al Taubman.
Instead of taking the time to find and interview someone who is opposed to killing human embryos for research, Erb finds someone who claims to be prolife but clearly doesn't understand the principles of prolife movement.
The article ends with embryonic stem cell advocate Danny Heumann admitting that the promised cures haven't come.
Notably missing from the article is any discussion of the numerous problems embryonic stem cells will have to overcome before they cure anyone. That might have made the story if Erb bothered to interview anyone opposed to treating human beings as research materials. Also missing is how the discovery of and research on induced pluripotent stem cells have dramatically shifted where scientists are going with stem cell research.
Embryonic stem cell research is a fledgling science, but four years after Michigan voters lifted the ban on such research, U-M is staking its claim.
Instead of cures, Erb celebrates that the University of Michigan is submitting human embryonic stem cell lines to the National Institutes of Health.
On Wednesday, Smith submitted his 11th and 12th embryonic stem cell lines to the National Institutes of Health for inclusion on a national registry, adding to 10 lines submitted and accepted earlier this yearThe NIH has accepted 184 human embryonic stem cell lines since 2009. Remember when stem cell advocates promised cures once President Bush's 2001 funding limits were overturned?
Erb also includes this ridiculous assertion from embryonic stem cell advocate and billionaire Al Taubman.
Taubman helped finance the campaign to pass the 2008 ballot proposal that lifted the ban and has been relentless in his support of stem cell research, roaring at a politician in 2010:More important than penicillin? More important than the development of aspirin? More important than the development of numerous life-saving vaccines? Many people would question Taubman's sanity after hearing that assertion. Not Erb.
"Embryonic stem cell is probably the most important thing that's happened in medicine probably ever. Ever."
Instead of taking the time to find and interview someone who is opposed to killing human embryos for research, Erb finds someone who claims to be prolife but clearly doesn't understand the principles of prolife movement.
Katie Marzolf chooses her words carefully.
"I'm definitely pro-life. I don't believe in abortion. But I'm not going to judge. There's cancer out there, heart disease, MS (multiple sclerosis) ... I understand that it's a human life," she said of the embryos that would be discarded if not used for research. "But I think of the human lives that might be saved" through embryonic stem cell lines.
The article ends with embryonic stem cell advocate Danny Heumann admitting that the promised cures haven't come.
"We are doing so much in the state -- great things. Are we curing anybody yet? No. But will we cure somebody some day? I sure as hell hope so," he said.
Notably missing from the article is any discussion of the numerous problems embryonic stem cells will have to overcome before they cure anyone. That might have made the story if Erb bothered to interview anyone opposed to treating human beings as research materials. Also missing is how the discovery of and research on induced pluripotent stem cells have dramatically shifted where scientists are going with stem cell research.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Life After 40: Week 31
During the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby’s brain has developed enough to control breathing and her own body temperature independent of mother.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Couple featured on "16 and Pregnant" reality TV show to speak at U-M and MSU
Catelynn and Tyler, a couple who were featured on the MTV show "16 and Pregnant" will be speaking at the end of November on the campuses of the University of Michigan and Michigan State University. The show followed them as they made an adoption plan for their daughter Carly with the help of Bethany Christian Services. Catelynn and Tyler will be speaking about their experience as birth parents, adoption, unplanned pregnancy and other issues facing teens and young adults.
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday 2013 Bulletin Inserts
![]() |
Front of 2013 SOHLS Bulletin Insert |
Our SOHLS web page provides a means of ordering these bulletin inserts along with a variety of other resources for SOHLS, including presentations, faith resources, SOHLS activities, resources for leaders, information on bus trips to the March for Life and luminary candle kits.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Life After 40: Week 30
During the 30th week of pregnancy, the baby’s eyes are wide open now and she has a full head of hair.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Political video features girls asking their moms to vote for Obama so they can have abortions when they grow up
Planned Parenthood, America's largest abortion provider, has already noticed and given the thumbs up to the video below. The video's message is: Mommy, vote for Obama so I can abort your grandchildren.
A political video by a novelist and a former "Sex and the City" co-producer caught the approving eye Monday of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America's political arm. It features young girls encouraging their mothers to vote to re-elect President Barack Obama so they can continue to have access to abortion. The children in the video, who range in age from toddlers to their early teens, urge their mothers to vote for abortion access because they cannot.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Planned Parenthood botches another abortion
An emergency call reveals that a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Denver, Colorado botched an abortion on October 26.
In Denver, the heavily redacted CAD Transcript indicates that a woman was transported from Planned Parenthood using Code 2, which denotes a serious, but not immediately life-threatening condition. The transcript used medical codes that indicated the woman suffered a severe hemorrhage related to an ectopic pregnancy.FULL STORY
Friday, November 2, 2012
Michigan business wins temporary injunction against HHS Mandate
Michigan business Weingartz Supply Company
succeeded in getting a court to issue a temporary injunction against the Obama
Administration. The HHS Mandate could be used to force employers to violate their consciences by providing coverage for drugs which may induce abortions.
The Thomas More Law Center, a pro-life legal group, won the victory for the business and Erin Mersino, TMLC’s lead counsel on the case who presented the oral argument, told LifeNews: “The federal court has found that our clients have a likelihood of success and would be irreparably harmed by the unconstitutional overreaching of the HHS mandate. This is not only a victory for our clients, but for religious freedom.”
Mersino said the mandate forces employers, regardless of their religious convictions, to provide insurance coverage for abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization, and contraception under threat of heavy penalties.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Do you know who the prolife candidates are in Michigan?
On Tuesday, November 6, registered voters have both the privilege and
responsibility to participate in the General Election. The Right to Life
of Michigan Political Action Committee made endorsements ranging from
president of the United States to county commissioners. These
endorsements blanket the state. The opportunities are great to elect
prolife men and women who desire to protect the sanctity of human life.
Our prolife votes can make sure life is protected at every level of
Does it make sense for prolife people to vote for pro-abortion candidates?
Paul Stark of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life recently wrote a blog post which responds to some arguments used by prolife people who think they should vote for pro-abortion candidates like President Barack Obama. It's good article for dealing with excuses about
not voting for prolife candidates. Some arguments included are
"politicians don't really affect abortion" and "The economic,
poverty-reduction, sex education and/or contraception-funding policies
of pro-choice candidates would reduce abortions"
With respect to most issues, opposing candidates share the same goals and principles, such as growing the economy, reducing poverty, promoting peace around the world and protecting our national security. They disagree only about the best means of achieving those ends. They disagree on matters of prudence. But with respect to abortion and other right-to-life issues (e.g., euthanasia, embryo-destructive biomedical research), candidates disagree about a matter of fundamental moral principle. Pro-choice candidates seek to exclude an entire class of vulnerable human beings from the moral respect and legal protection that are owed to every member of the human family. Pro-choice candidates deny the very right to life that is the basis for all other rights.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Responding to assault, pregnancy
Those seeking public office are frequently asked about the abortion
issue. Unfortunately, the media has twisted how some have explained
their prolife position and how we as a society should respond when a
woman becomes pregnant from assault.
Rape and incest are horrific crimes and those who commit these crimes should be punished and their victims should be supported. Abortion doesn't undo the harm that has been caused. All unborn children, regardless of how they were conceived, are living human beings who deserve to be protected.
Rape and incest are horrific crimes and those who commit these crimes should be punished and their victims should be supported. Abortion doesn't undo the harm that has been caused. All unborn children, regardless of how they were conceived, are living human beings who deserve to be protected.
Tim Tebow's mom speaks at Holland Right to Life's dinner
On Tuesday night, Pam Tebow spoke at the annual dinner of Right to Life of the Holland Area about her prolife beliefs.
Pam Tebow, mother of Heisman trophy winner Tim Tebow, was the guest speaker at the 30th annual, $50-plate Focus on Life benefit dinner for Right to Life of the Holland Area.
Tebow recounted the story of her difficult pregnancy, which received national media attention in 2010 when it was announced that CBS would air a commercial during that year's Super Bowl celebrating her choice to give birth. Conservative Christian group Focus on the Family sponsored the ad.
While pregnant with her son in the Phillipines, Pam Tebow contracted amoebic dysentery. Doctors told her the antibiotics she took to kill the intestinal infection could cause permanent damage to the fetus.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Life After 40: Week 29
During the 29th week of pregnancy, the baby’s bones have finished forming, though they are soft in preparation for continued growth.
Monday, October 29, 2012
RLM President Barbara Listing promotes prolife candidates with radio ads
the production of two radio ads, the Right to Life of Michigan
Political Action Committee is helping prolife voters know who proudly
supports the inalienable right to life.
"Crucial," explains if you believe in protecting the rights of the unborn, your support for Mitt Romney is crucial. The fact is our current president not only promotes abortion, but he voted to deny any protections for babies born after a failed abortion.
"Deciding," recognizes that deciding which State Supreme Court justices to vote for is a challenge. But, if you want to protect life at every stage, please remember Stephen Markman, Colleen O'Brien and Brian Zahra.
"Crucial," explains if you believe in protecting the rights of the unborn, your support for Mitt Romney is crucial. The fact is our current president not only promotes abortion, but he voted to deny any protections for babies born after a failed abortion.
"Deciding," recognizes that deciding which State Supreme Court justices to vote for is a challenge. But, if you want to protect life at every stage, please remember Stephen Markman, Colleen O'Brien and Brian Zahra.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Chen Guangcheng honored with human rights award
Christian Bale was criticized in 2011 for his role in a movie that was accused of being Chinese propaganda, but in an effort to prove critics wrongs he attempted to meet Chen Guangcheng, the blind lawyer and forced-abortion opponent then under house arrest, to bring attention to China's atrocious one-child policy. Bale finally got the chance to shake the man's hand Wednesday.
The star of the night was Mr. Chen, a self-taught lawyer who has drawn attention to human rights abuses in China, in one case bringing a class action lawsuit against officials in the Shandong Province for brutal enforcement of the one-child policy. Consequently, he and his family have been subjected to torture and imprisonment by the Chinese government.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Planned Parenthood staff caught lying about safety of abortion
Today, the prolife group Live Action released calls made to Planned Parenthood offices where women were injured after botched abortions in recent months and years. During the calls, an investigator asks clinic staff if anyone has been hurt at their clinic.
The staff at these clinics where medical emergencies recently occurred tell the investigator that no one has been hurt from abortion at their clinic and that abortion is "not at all" dangerous. The video includes a call tp the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Chicago which is responsible for the July 2012 death of a young woman named Tonya Reaves. When asked "So no one has ever been hurt at your clinic?" the Planned Parenthood employee says, "No" despite the fact a woman died from an abortion at that same clinic three months ago.
The staff at these clinics where medical emergencies recently occurred tell the investigator that no one has been hurt from abortion at their clinic and that abortion is "not at all" dangerous. The video includes a call tp the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Chicago which is responsible for the July 2012 death of a young woman named Tonya Reaves. When asked "So no one has ever been hurt at your clinic?" the Planned Parenthood employee says, "No" despite the fact a woman died from an abortion at that same clinic three months ago.
Life After 40: Week 28
During the 28th week of pregnancy, the baby's eyelids have reopened and the baby’s eyelashes are present.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
How pregnancy can change your outlook on life
Check out our latest Real Life Story, submitted from a mother who was pro-abortion before she had her first daughter. Her daughter has Down syndrome, and now she can't understand why people would vote for candidates who would do nothing about the shockingly high abortion rates for disabled children.
Prior to having my first child, I was solidly “pro-choice.” Live and let live, I said! To each their own! I can vividly recall arguing with my future mother-in-law and her best friend about it: “I’d never get one but I shouldn’t be able to tell another woman what to do with her body!” Fifteen years later I wonder how those two kept their cool with a very naive 20-year-old me. To their credit, they never once called me stupid to my face.
It didn’t occur to me at the time how flawed my reasoning was: not just flawed, but completely asinine. I had the talking points down well before the “war on women.” The National Organization of Women had nothing on me—until I became pregnant, that is.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Planned Parenthood president volunteering full-time for Obama campaign
Abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood has a lot at stake in this year's election. Mitt Romney has pledged to sign a bill to eliminate their federal funding while President Obama has been a tireless advocate for America's leading abortion provider and his administration has even filled in to provide federal tax dollars when individual states have de-funded them.
To thank President Obama for his help, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards has taken time off of her regular duties to volunteer full-time for the Obama campaign.
Planned Parenthood desperately wants Barack Obama to be re-elected so they can continue to obtain hundreds of millions in tax dollars a year while providing more than 300,000 abortions a year.
To thank President Obama for his help, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards has taken time off of her regular duties to volunteer full-time for the Obama campaign.
"In a new video the Obama campaign released today, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards says she is taking a break from her 'day job' to help re-elect the President because our 'daughters and grand daughters' future depends on it.' At a taxpayer funded salary of almost $400,000 a year, Ms. Richards may be able to afford to take a few weeks off to help, but the President has embraced a partner whose radical abortion-first agenda repeatedly puts the health and well-being of women and young girls at risk," Live Action President Lilia Rose said in a statement.
Planned Parenthood desperately wants Barack Obama to be re-elected so they can continue to obtain hundreds of millions in tax dollars a year while providing more than 300,000 abortions a year.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Live Action exposes Obama's false claim that Planned Parenthood provides mammograms
After President Obama falsely claimed in the second presidential debate that millions of women rely on Planned Parenthood for mammograms, the prolife group Live Action called a number of Planned Parenthood to see what they had to say when ask if they did mammograms.
Ann Romney says she's prolife
During an appearance on the television show The View, Ann Romney, wife of presidential candidate Mitt Romney, was asked about abortion and replied that she is prolife.
"I am pro-life and I'm happy to say that," said Ann Romney when asked by Walters if her thoughts on the issue changed like her husband of 43 years. "When a decision came across his desk to use embryos for experimentation, he could not have, on his conscience, created human life for experimentation.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Life After 40: Week 27
During the 27th week of pregnancy, the baby has reached the end of the second trimester. Every major body
system is present and has been functioning, and only 13 more weeks of
exercise in the womb are needed to make her ready for the wide world.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
President Obama falsely claims Planned Parenthood provides mammograms during second presidential debate
During the second presidential debate between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, President Obama said,
One service Planned Parenthood specializes in that President Obama didn't mention is abortion. Planned Parenthood abortion clinics provided more than 300,000 last year.
President Obama is keen on continuing to provide America's largest abortion provider with more than $1 million tax dollars a day, yet he is apparently either embarrassingly unaware of the services they provide or intentionally misleading the American people.
"When Governor Romney says that we should eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood, there are millions of women all across the country, who rely on Planned Parenthood for, not just contraceptive care, they rely on it for mammograms, for cervical cancer screenings."The fact is that Planned Parenthood doesn't provide mammograms. Their clinics do not house mammogram machines. No women rely on Planned Parenthood to provide them with mammograms. This fact has been proven over and over again despite falsehoods from both President Obama and Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards.
One service Planned Parenthood specializes in that President Obama didn't mention is abortion. Planned Parenthood abortion clinics provided more than 300,000 last year.
President Obama is keen on continuing to provide America's largest abortion provider with more than $1 million tax dollars a day, yet he is apparently either embarrassingly unaware of the services they provide or intentionally misleading the American people.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Today is the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity
Today, thousands of prolife people (mainly students) will give up their voices for a day to stand in silent solidarity for the millions unborn children who are killed each year by abortion.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Congressman Ryan provides solid defense of prolife position while Vice-President Biden struggles with truth and logic in VP debate
During the Vice-Presidential debate on October 11, Congressman Paul Ryan and Vice-President Joe Biden were asked to tell what role their Catholic faith played in their personal views on abortion.
Congressman Ryan's response points out that his prolife position is not only based on his faith but also on reason and science. He also discusses seeing an early ultrasound of his first child.
Later in the exchange, Biden falsely claimed no religious institutions (including hospitals) would be forced to cover services they are conscientiously opposed to under Obamacare's HHS Mandate. This statement is incredibly misleading as Biden is familiar with the HHS Mandate and according to ABC News' Jake Tapper, Biden originally opposed to the mandate when it was recommended.
Congressman Ryan's response points out that his prolife position is not only based on his faith but also on reason and science. He also discusses seeing an early ultrasound of his first child.
RYAN: I don't see how a person can separate their public life from their private life or from their faith. Our faith informs us in everything we do. My faith informs me about how to take care of the vulnerable, of how to make sure that people have a chance in life.Biden's response was illogical rhetoric pro-abortion Catholic politicians have been using for decades.
Now, you want to ask basically why I'm pro-life? It's not simply because of my Catholic faith. That's a factor, of course. But it's also because of reason and science.
You know, I think about 10 1/2 years ago, my wife Janna and I went to Mercy Hospital in Janesville where I was born, for our seven week ultrasound for our firstborn child, and we saw that heartbeat. A little baby was in the shape of a bean. And to this day, we have nicknamed our firstborn child Liza, "Bean." Now I believe that life begins at conception.
That's why -- those are the reasons why I'm pro-life.
My religion defines who I am, and I've been a practicing Catholic my whole life. And has particularly informed my social doctrine. The Catholic social doctrine talks about taking care of those who -- who can't take care of themselves, people who need help. With regard to -- with regard to abortion, I accept my church's position on abortion as a -- what we call a (inaudible) doctrine. Life begins at conception in the church's judgment. I accept it in my personal life.On one hand, Biden claims that he accepts life begins at conception, which would mean he accepts the reality that the unborn are living human beings. Then he claims he won't do a thing to protect and take care of these human beings because others refuse to recognize their humanity. He refuses to defend the unborn in his political life despite claiming to adhere to Catholic social doctrine which calls on Catholics to take care of who can't take care of themselves.
But I refuse to impose it on equally devout Christians and Muslims and Jews, and I just refuse to impose that on others, unlike my friend here, the -- the congressman. I -- I do not believe that we have a right to tell other people that -- women they can't control their body. It's a decision between them and their doctor.
Later in the exchange, Biden falsely claimed no religious institutions (including hospitals) would be forced to cover services they are conscientiously opposed to under Obamacare's HHS Mandate. This statement is incredibly misleading as Biden is familiar with the HHS Mandate and according to ABC News' Jake Tapper, Biden originally opposed to the mandate when it was recommended.
The policy was wrong, the two Catholic men, Biden and Daley, argued, saying that the Obama administration couldn't force religious charities to pay for something they think is a sin. Sources say that Biden and Daley in these internal debates emphasized the political fallout more so than the policy issue.
Noble Prize for medicine goes to researcher who discovered ethical alternative to killing human embryos
"When I saw the embryo, I suddenly realized
there was
such a small difference between it and my daughters," said Dr.
... "I thought, we can't keep destroying embryos for our research.
must be another way."
When Shinya Yamanaka examined a human embryo
under a
microscope, the trajectory of his research changed and he set out
to find a way
to manipulate adult cells and create cells with the same
properties as
embryonic stem cells without killing human embryos. While many scientists
believed this was
impossible, Yamanaka’s desire to find an ethical alternative to
killing human
embryos created a shock wave in the scientific community.
In 2007, Dr. Yamanaka found “another way” and
changed the focus of stem cell research when he announced that he
successfully reverted normal adult skin cells into an
embryonic‑like state by
changing only four genes in the cells. The cells, in later
experiments, have
been shown to have the same properties as embryonic stem cells.
Since 2007
other researchers have made advances in techniques used to
transform regular
cells into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells.
For his discovery, Yamanaka has been given
numerous awards
but none more prestigious than when he was awarded the Nobel Prize
in Medicine
in October of 2012. Rarely,
is the Nobel
Prize for Medicine given out just five years after a discovery.
Yamanaka’s work had clear implications for the
movement. Prior to Yamanaka’s discovery, many scientists hoped to
patient-specific embryonic stem cells by creating cloned human
embryos and killing
them for their stem cells. This, if it was ever successful, would
have required
the creation and destruction of thousands of human embryos and
necessitate countless women to undergo the dangerous process of
donating human
Yamanaka’s work changed all this as he was able
to show
patient-specific cells, with the same properties as embryonic stem
cells, could
be created rather easily without human cloning and the destruction
of human
Since Yamanaka’s work was published, numerous
scientists who
previously favored human cloning for research have abandoned their
efforts to
create cloned human embryos and instead have focused on iPS cell
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Nurse and abortion survivor discuss President Obama's extremism
Women Speak Out PAC, affiliated with the
prolife group Susan B. Anthony List, released another ad calling
attention to the President's opposition to an Illinois law to protect
the lives of children who survived botched abortions.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Life After 40: Week 26
During the 26th week of pregnancy, her lungs are getting stronger and she is about 14 inches long. Teeth buds are growing, too, and apparent in her gums. The development of the human body is fascinating.
Share these amazing life facts with others.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
CEO of West Michigan company sues Obama over HHS Mandate
John Kennedy, the CEO of Autocam, is suing the Obama Administration over the HHS Mandate. He explains why the video below.
Unbeknownst to many, Obamacare gives power to the most pro-abortion administration in our history to force every insurance plan, business and individual to offer free abortions.
Unbeknownst to many, Obamacare gives power to the most pro-abortion administration in our history to force every insurance plan, business and individual to offer free abortions.
Monday, October 8, 2012
MLive.com covers Jackson LifeChain and 40 Days for Life
On October 7, MLive.com published an article about Jackson County's LifeChain and their 40 Days for Life. The article includes a few quotes from Jackson County RTL's executive director Kathy Potts
Sunday's Jackson Life Chain, an anti-abortion event, comes as both sides on the controversial issue prepare for the Nov. 6 election. Local abortion opponents also have been participating in 40 Days for Life, a national anti-abortion campaign that involves protests and prayer in front of the Jackson Planned Parenthood center.
"Very obviously the economy and jobs are certainly at the forefront of the issues, but that said, the pro-life people really do understand that the abortion issue is every bit as important as those other issues," said Kathy Potts, executive director of Jackson Right to Life.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Life After 40: Week 25
During the 25th week of pregnancy, her mother’s voice or other familiar sounds are recognized by the baby, who responds to them.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
What's at Stake in the 2012 Presidential Election?
A lot is at stake in the 2012 elections. Will the prolife legislation pass on the federal level? Will abortion be covered by federally subsidized insurance plans? Will another pro-abortion justice be added to the Supreme Court? Will the HHS mandate stand?
What's at Stake is a Power Point show that contrasts what will happen in the next four years if President Obama is re-elected compared to what will happen if Mitt Romney is elected.
What's at Stake Power Point
What's at Stake is a Power Point show that contrasts what will happen in the next four years if President Obama is re-elected compared to what will happen if Mitt Romney is elected.
What's at Stake Power Point
Thursday, September 27, 2012
New commercial notes Barack Obama's radical position on abortion
Prolife group Susan B. Anthony List has a new ad informing voters about President Obama's extreme abortion record.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Euthanasia in the Netherlands nearly doubles in last 5 years
In a recent blog post, Alex Schadenberg, the executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, discusses the increasing use of euthanasia in the Netherlands.
The media in the Netherlands has reported today that the number of euthanasia deaths in the Netherlands in 2011 increased by 18% to 3695 and there were 13 reported psychiatric patients who died by euthanasia, up from 2 reported psychiatric euthanasia deaths in 2010.......
There were 1923 reported euthanasia deaths in 2006.
There were 2120 reported euthanasia deaths in 2007.
There were 2331 reported euthanasia deaths in 2008.
There were 2636 reported euthanasia deaths in 2009.
There were 3136 reported euthanasia deaths in 2010.
There are 3695 reported euthanasia deaths in 2011.
Life After 40: Week 24
During the 24th week of pregnancy the baby is almost 12 inches long and has been regularly sleeping and waking. Her mother will know if she is awake or resting based on activity in the womb (or lack of).
Monday, September 24, 2012
Vast majority of California's embryonic stem cell grants go to research linked with directors
In the Sacramento Bee, David Jensen discusses the conflicts of interest that afflict the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). California voters approved creation of the CIRM and tax funding for human embryonic stem cell research after being promised cures and that their afflicted loved ones' lives would be saved.
With its latest round of awards earlier this month, California's stem cell agency has now handed out $1.5 billion to enterprises linked to its directors.FULL STORY
The figure amounts to 92 percent of the $1.7 billion awarded by the agency.....
Mathews described the state's initiative process this way: "Essentially, to win the support of various groups whose money and backing is important to passage of a bond, a sponsor of an initiative bond will set up rules and include money specifically intended for each group. This is a form of pay-to-play. Agree to back the initiative, and you're in."
Friday, September 21, 2012
Justin Bieber's mom talks about how she was encouraged to have an abortion
Pattie Mallette, the mother of Justin Bieber, sat down with Kathie Lee Gifford on the Today show and told her story of how she gave birth to Justin, and disregarded advice to abort him.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Right to Life of Michigan PAC Issues General Election Endorsements
Grand Rapids, Mich. - Right to Life of Michigan Political Action Committee (RLM-PAC) has issued its endorsements for the 2012 General Election. Right to Life of Michigan PAC has made endorsements in nearly 300 races including national, state, judicial and local elections. At the top of the ticket, Right to Life of Michigan PAC has endorsed Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for president and vice-president and has endorsed Pete Hoekstra for the U.S. Senate. Right to Life of Michigan is the largest prolife organization in the state.
Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing said, "We are working to educate the public in Michigan about the prolife values of Mitt Romney and Pete Hoekstra while contrasting those prolife beliefs with the extreme pro-abortion positions of President Barack Obama and Senator Debbie Stabenow. People in our state are unaware that both President Obama and Senator Stabenow support tax-funded abortions and did not support a ban on partial-birth abortion. President Obama even opposed legislation to prohibit sex-selection abortions."
The Right to Life of Michigan PAC makes it easy for voters to identify endorsed prolife candidates for the November 6 election. The Right to Life of Michigan News listing RLM-PAC endorsed candidates will reach more than 270,000 homes in Michigan. An additional resource for voters is the online option of generating a Personal Prolife Ballot at the Right to Life of Michigan web site, www.rtl.org. The My Prolife Vote web page at rtl.org/myprolifevote offers voter information, candidate comparisons and records on life issues.
Right to Life of Michigan PAC has the largest grassroots PAC in the state with hundreds of prolife individuals willing to volunteer their time to interview candidates on life issues and make recommendations to the State PAC Board, which is also comprised of grassroots volunteers.
Listing said, "The 2012 election is incredibly important for the most vulnerable members of our society. Will our society and government continue down a path where defenseless human beings are not protected or will we elect people willing to defend the defenseless and be a voice for the voiceless?"
Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing said, "We are working to educate the public in Michigan about the prolife values of Mitt Romney and Pete Hoekstra while contrasting those prolife beliefs with the extreme pro-abortion positions of President Barack Obama and Senator Debbie Stabenow. People in our state are unaware that both President Obama and Senator Stabenow support tax-funded abortions and did not support a ban on partial-birth abortion. President Obama even opposed legislation to prohibit sex-selection abortions."
The Right to Life of Michigan PAC makes it easy for voters to identify endorsed prolife candidates for the November 6 election. The Right to Life of Michigan News listing RLM-PAC endorsed candidates will reach more than 270,000 homes in Michigan. An additional resource for voters is the online option of generating a Personal Prolife Ballot at the Right to Life of Michigan web site, www.rtl.org. The My Prolife Vote web page at rtl.org/myprolifevote offers voter information, candidate comparisons and records on life issues.
Right to Life of Michigan PAC has the largest grassroots PAC in the state with hundreds of prolife individuals willing to volunteer their time to interview candidates on life issues and make recommendations to the State PAC Board, which is also comprised of grassroots volunteers.
Listing said, "The 2012 election is incredibly important for the most vulnerable members of our society. Will our society and government continue down a path where defenseless human beings are not protected or will we elect people willing to defend the defenseless and be a voice for the voiceless?"
Life After 40: Week 23
During the 23rd week of pregnancy, we could take the baby’s fingerprints and rapid eye movements start occurring. Is the baby dreaming, and what does a baby in the womb dream about?
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
For our future, stand up for life on November 6
By Barbara Listing, Right to Life of Michigan President
The general election is Tuesday, November 6. Both parties have held their conventions. Campaign rhetoric and campaign attack ads fill the airwaves. I spent some time thinking about what this election means for vulnerable unborn children.
This election determines the future of our individual and collective lives. In some of my speeches I’ve used parts of a letter that a constituent once sent to one of our prolife legislators. In the letter she referred to “two different visions of the future.” I believe that is what is at stake November 6 as we have the opportunity and duty to vote for leaders at all levels of government.
We have seen and heard the speeches at the Republican Convention. We heard Mitt Romney declare, “As President, I will protect the sanctity of life.” We heard Paul Ryan state, “Each one of us was made for a reason, bearing the image and likeness of the Lord of Life.”
A week later came the convention of the Democrats. The featured speakers from Planned Parenthood and the abortion promoter NARAL spoke not of life, but instead of the right and necessity of death for the unborn. Their message was one of lack of hope and opportunities. Telling women that in order to reach their dreams and succeed in life, they must be open to a “war on their young in the womb.” Instead of uplifting the wonders of motherhood, the message of these activist women was one that glorified the taking of life, the sacrificing of their unborn for self-achievement. Then there was the college student featured to defy the “freedom of religion” by insisting that even those opposed to abortion-causing drugs be forced to pay for them for others.
I know these speakers I’ve featured do not reflect the morals and principles of all Democrats. They are fanatics with a radical mission of vilification and destruction. But they were chosen by convention planners and leaders to promote a message and a vision of the future. This is a vision that we must not allow to emerge as victorious on November 6.
Our vision of the future is one where people are not forced to violate their consciences by being forced to subsidize abortions or abortion-causing drugs. We want a future where federal state legislatures are encouraged to pass life enhancing laws that will protect women from abortion profiteers. We dream and work toward a future where the liberty of being a part of our human society is expanded to the unborn. Our vision of the future is life and protection for the weakest and most vulnerable, at the beginning of life, through the difficulties of physical challenges and at the waning days of life.
This general election gives us the opportunity to further our goals and mission. It gives us a pathway to a vision of life. November 6 calls us to stand for LIFE.
For information on where the candidates stand of life issues, visit the Right to Life of Michigan web site at www.rtl.org. Check out “My Prolife Vote.”
The general election is Tuesday, November 6. Both parties have held their conventions. Campaign rhetoric and campaign attack ads fill the airwaves. I spent some time thinking about what this election means for vulnerable unborn children.
This election determines the future of our individual and collective lives. In some of my speeches I’ve used parts of a letter that a constituent once sent to one of our prolife legislators. In the letter she referred to “two different visions of the future.” I believe that is what is at stake November 6 as we have the opportunity and duty to vote for leaders at all levels of government.
We have seen and heard the speeches at the Republican Convention. We heard Mitt Romney declare, “As President, I will protect the sanctity of life.” We heard Paul Ryan state, “Each one of us was made for a reason, bearing the image and likeness of the Lord of Life.”
A week later came the convention of the Democrats. The featured speakers from Planned Parenthood and the abortion promoter NARAL spoke not of life, but instead of the right and necessity of death for the unborn. Their message was one of lack of hope and opportunities. Telling women that in order to reach their dreams and succeed in life, they must be open to a “war on their young in the womb.” Instead of uplifting the wonders of motherhood, the message of these activist women was one that glorified the taking of life, the sacrificing of their unborn for self-achievement. Then there was the college student featured to defy the “freedom of religion” by insisting that even those opposed to abortion-causing drugs be forced to pay for them for others.
I know these speakers I’ve featured do not reflect the morals and principles of all Democrats. They are fanatics with a radical mission of vilification and destruction. But they were chosen by convention planners and leaders to promote a message and a vision of the future. This is a vision that we must not allow to emerge as victorious on November 6.
Our vision of the future is one where people are not forced to violate their consciences by being forced to subsidize abortions or abortion-causing drugs. We want a future where federal state legislatures are encouraged to pass life enhancing laws that will protect women from abortion profiteers. We dream and work toward a future where the liberty of being a part of our human society is expanded to the unborn. Our vision of the future is life and protection for the weakest and most vulnerable, at the beginning of life, through the difficulties of physical challenges and at the waning days of life.
This general election gives us the opportunity to further our goals and mission. It gives us a pathway to a vision of life. November 6 calls us to stand for LIFE.
For information on where the candidates stand of life issues, visit the Right to Life of Michigan web site at www.rtl.org. Check out “My Prolife Vote.”
Monday, September 17, 2012
Paul Ryan points out President Obama's extreme pro-abortion position
Paul Ryan spoke at the Values Voter Summit on Friday. Referencing the President's statement "we're all in this together," Ryan said "It has a nice ring. For everyone who loves this country, it is not only true but obvious. Yet how hollow it sounds coming from a politician who has never once lifted a hand to defend the most helpless and innocent of all human beings, the child waiting to be born."
Giving up any further pretense of moderation on this issue, and in complete disregard of millions of pro-life Democrats, President Obama has chosen to pander to the most extreme elements of his party.
In the Clinton years, the stated goal was to make abortion “safe, legal and rare.” But that was a different time, and a different president. Now, apparently, the Obama-Biden ticket stands for an absolute, unqualified right to abortion – at any time, under any circumstances, and even at taxpayer expense.
Friday, September 14, 2012
My Prolife Vote
Check out our new My Prolife Vote page. We have everything related to the 2012 general election, including free comparison flyers for the Presidential and Senate races, endorsements, links for voter registration or absentee ballot forms, election swag and more.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Prolife seminar today at 1 p.m.
Join us at 1 p.m. today for our next Prolife Update teleseminar, featuring a discussion about the "hard cases" of abortion, the election and our Conference. Use the link below to listen online, or if you want to listen by phone call (206)402-0100 and use the PIN code #662744.
Life After 40: Week 22
During the 22nd week of pregnancy, the baby's hair becomes visible. The baby’s eyebrows might even be visible and her body is covered in small, fine hairs called lanugo to help hold the protective vernix to her skin.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
MLive.com columnist notes Democrats change on abortion issue
MLive.com political columnist Matthew Davis' recent column discusses how he has seen the Democratic Party change over the years in regards to how it approaches the abortion issue. He also discusses the Prolife Bus legislation in Michigan.
One of my vivid memories as a reporter in Minnesota was watching the state's delegation at the 1992 Democratic National Convention.....
During balloting that would eventually help Bill Clinton become the party's nominee, it was clear to see activists in the Minnesota delegation sparring furiously with "Keep Abortion Legal" and "Stop Abortion Now" signs mounted on sticks.....
That hardening of the pro-abortion movement within the Democratic Party was also evident in the recent passage of a bill in the Michigan House of Representatives that, among other things, is designed to protect a woman's health during the abortion procedure.....
You would think that inspecting a facility that performs an abortion to ensure sanitary conditions, proper procedures, and the like would already be law, but apparently it's not.
And what harm can there be in the other provisions of the bill -- should the deceased child not have some degree of dignity?
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Washington Post finds it difficult to face facts regarding Obama's position on infants who survive abortions
The Washington Post nitpicks claims about President Obama's votes on born alive infant protection. They say, "we find it hard to fathom that the former senator expressed a belief that human life is disposable outside the womb," but the very obvious fact remains that President Obama voted against bills that would have required doctors to treat babies who survive botched abortions.
Obama swore during the 2008 election that he would have supported the federal Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, prompting the National Right to Life Committee to issue a scathing white paper that pointed out how he had contradicted himself by voting against the Illinois measure while backing the older federal version in retrospect during his presidential campaign.
Obama denied any contradiction during an interview that year with the Christian Broadcasting Network, accusing the antiabortion committee of lying about the circumstances of his vote.....
From what we can tell, Obama misrepresented the facts during this interview. The 2003 bill addressed his concerns about undermining Roe v. Wade, and it matched the federal legislation that he supported virtually word for word.....
Granted, we don’t know why Obama voted against the 2003 bill that included a clause to protect abortion rights. The measure never made it out of committee, and comments from the meetings are not recorded. Nonetheless, we find it hard to fathom that the former senator expressed a belief that human life is disposable outside the womb.
Monday, September 10, 2012
September 13 Teleseminar
Please join Right to Life of Michigan for a Prolife Update Teleseminar. On Thursday, September 13, at 1 p.m., you will hear from Rebecca Kiessling, international prolife speaker and attorney. Rebecca will share what it really means to have an exception to abortion. As a person who was conceived by rape and targeted for abortion, she brings a face, voice and life to this issue. Plan now to hear Rebecca's powerful testimony!
In addition to Rebecca, you'll hear from Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing regarding the 2012 general election. Learn how you can become involved is Michigan's election success story.
The Teleseminar will end with an update on the Right to Life of Michigan Conference. It is not too late to register for this exciting event.
Here are the details.
Title: Right to Life of Michigan Prolife Update
Time: Thursday, September 13th at 1:00pm Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
Phone number: (206) 402-0100
PIN Code: 662744#
To attend, visit:
Plan now to participate with the Right to Life of Michigan Prolife Update Teleseminar. We are looking forward to connecting with you. Please share this Teleseminar information with prolife friends and family members.
In addition to Rebecca, you'll hear from Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing regarding the 2012 general election. Learn how you can become involved is Michigan's election success story.
The Teleseminar will end with an update on the Right to Life of Michigan Conference. It is not too late to register for this exciting event.
Here are the details.
Title: Right to Life of Michigan Prolife Update
Time: Thursday, September 13th at 1:00pm Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
Phone number: (206) 402-0100
PIN Code: 662744#
To attend, visit:
Plan now to participate with the Right to Life of Michigan Prolife Update Teleseminar. We are looking forward to connecting with you. Please share this Teleseminar information with prolife friends and family members.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Time for prolifers to educate public on President Obama's abortion record
Dr. Michael New, who is presenting a workshop at our Conference on Sept. 29, is arguing that it's crucial that prolifers point out President Obama's record on abortion in the next couple weeks.
Right to Life of Michigan has free fliers available for copying that compare Romney and Obama's views on abortion.
Right to Life of Michigan has free fliers available for copying that compare Romney and Obama's views on abortion.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Life After 40: Week 21
During the 21st week of pregnancy, the baby is now 10 inches long, measured head to heel. Her digestive system is getting exercise as she swallows amniotic fluid.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Democratic Party platform takes extreme pro-abortion position
The Democratic Party has released their 2012 party platform and unfortunately it's plank on abortion is extremely pro-abortion. It reads in part:
"Regardless of ability to pay" means the 2012 Democratic Party platform officially endorses tax-funded abortions. The plank also notes opposition to "any and all efforts to weaken or undermine" legal abortion. That means the Democratic Party is officially opposed to any pieces of prolife legislation which restrict abortion including parental consent laws or legislation which bans partial-birth abortion, sex-selection abortion or late-term abortions.
Protecting A Woman's Right to Choose. The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay. We oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right. Abortion is an intensely personal decision between a woman, her family, her doctor, and her clergy; there is no place for politicians or government to get in the way.
"Regardless of ability to pay" means the 2012 Democratic Party platform officially endorses tax-funded abortions. The plank also notes opposition to "any and all efforts to weaken or undermine" legal abortion. That means the Democratic Party is officially opposed to any pieces of prolife legislation which restrict abortion including parental consent laws or legislation which bans partial-birth abortion, sex-selection abortion or late-term abortions.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Life After 40: Week 20
Halfway through the 40 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s mother might begin to feel her tiny movements for the first time.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
How will you answer?
Abortion survivor Melissa Ohden, who spoke at Right to Life of Michigan's 2012 Legislative Day, is appearing in a new ad from the Susan B. Anthony List about President Obama's votes against the Illinois Born-Alive Infant Protection Act when he was a state senator.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
President Barack Obama's extreme position on abortion
Rich Lowry discusses President Obama's extreme position on abortion in a recent column including Obama's voting record and his statements to abortion advocates.
In the Illinois legislature, he opposed the "Born-Alive Infants Protection Act" three times. The bill recognized babies born after attempted abortions as persons and required doctors to give them care. Obama's stalwart opposition to the bill came up during the 2008 campaign, and his team responded with a farrago of obfuscation and distortions.....
He opposed a partial-birth abortion bill in Illinois, even as the federal version passed the House with 282 votes and the Senate with 64 votes and was signed into law by President Bush in 2003. He arrived in the U.S. Senate in time to denounce the Supreme Court's ruling upholding the ban.
In 2007, he told the Planned Parenthood Action Fund that his first act as president would be signing the Freedom of Choice Act. The act would enshrine in federal law a right to abortion more far-reaching than in Roe v. Wade and eliminate basically all federal and state-level restrictions on abortion. This isn't a point its supporters contest; it's one they brag about. The National Organization for Women says it would "sweep away hundreds of anti-abortion laws [and] policies."
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Life After 40: Week 19
During the nineteenth week of pregnancy, a waxy substance called vernix begins to cover the baby’s skin to protect her from the amniotic fluid.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Remembering early prolife activist Ellen McCormack
At Public Discourse, 2012 Right to Life of Michigan Conference speaker Michael New reviews a book entitled, A Shared Vision by Jane Gilroy. The book shares the story of Ellen McCormack, a prolife pioneer from New York who ran in the Democratic presidential primaries in 1976 and 1980 and used the money she raised to air prolife television commercials.
Over time, pro-lifers became much more savvy—thanks in no small part to Ellen McCormack’s efforts. As a founding member of New York’s Pro-Life Action Committee (PLAC), she pledged to withhold support from legislators who supported legal abortion and to recruit pro-life candidates to run against state legislators who were not supporting pro-life bills. These efforts paid some dividends. In 1972, both chambers of the New York state legislature voted to repeal New York’s liberal abortion law. Unfortunately, the ban was vetoed by Governor Nelson Rockefeller. Nonetheless, pro-lifers had nearly enough strength in the state legislature to override the veto......
In the end, Ellen McCormack’s campaign exceeded expectations. She ran in 18 primaries and received over 200,000 votes, 1.4 percent of the total votes cast. Her success in the primaries earned her 3 pledged delegates to the Democratic National Convention. At the convention, she received both a nominating speech and a seconding speech. When the results were tallied, she received 22 votes from the convention delegates. Her campaign educated many people about abortion and demonstrated that a sizeable contingent of Democrats was willing to support a single-issue pro-life candidate.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Life After 40: Week 18
During the eighteenth week of pregnancy, the baby is 5 ½ inches long and might hear her first sound with her developing ears.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Where do Michigan's U.S. Senate candidates stand on human life?
We've created an educational comparison piece which compares and contrasts Pete Hoekstra's and Senator Debbie Stabenow's positions on life issues including their positions on abortion, taxpayer funding of abortion, abortion in health care reform, partial-birth abortion and prenatal protection.
Feel free to print and distribute this piece.
Where do the U.S. Senate candidates stand on human life?
Feel free to print and distribute this piece.
Where do the U.S. Senate candidates stand on human life?
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