Your gift will be doubled for human life. Online tax-deductible donations up to $35,000 will be matched until December 31.
If you are able to make a special year-end contribution, you will be making a real difference in the lives of mothers and families.
Here are just a few exciting achievements of Right to Life of Michigan in 2010.
* The television media campaign developed by Right to Life of Michigan featured prolife information and the Right to Life of Michigan web site, RTL.ORG. It is exciting to know that viewers have been reached with a message of hope and help. In addition, more than 25,000 women and families have been helped by visiting RTL.ORG, teenbreaks.com or stemcellresearchcures.com as a result of the Right to Life of Michigan Google AdWords.
* Because of these outreaches, Right to Life of Michigan has helped thousands of women through the years facing crisis pregnancies or suffering after abortion. Right to Life of Michigan is privileged to be working with more than 150 pregnancy centers, adoption agencies and counseling organizations in Michigan to provide women and families with the medical, material and emotional support needed to celebrate life. Be inspired and read about a group of Lansing tweens who are helping a local pregnancy center supporting women in crisis.
* According to the Michigan Department of Community Health, abortions performed in Michigan are at an all-time low. Abortions performed in 2009 (the most recent year for statistics) dropped 13.9 percent over 2008 and decreased 54.4 percent since 1987 (the year with the largest number of induced abortions). Abortions performed on minor girls has been reduced by a whopping 63 percent since the early 1990s.
* On a daily basis, Right to Life of Michigan's educational resource centers in Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, Lansing, St. Clair Shores, Traverse City and Wyandotte supply all ages with prolife materials and resources for research projects, debates, teaching lessons and letters to the editors of newspapers. Each year thousands of people utilize the educational services of Right to Life of Michigan's Educational Resource Centers. Educating our communities on the dignity of human life before a crisis is one important prolife outreach.
Most of us have realized hard economic times in Michigan, but what we know without a doubt is that life does equal opportunities. Every mother experiencing an untimely pregnancy needs to be lovingly reminded of what really matters. Empowering women from the start is what Right to Life of Michigan does best.
Please partner with our life-saving work by giving a gift today. Your online gift will be doubled up to $35,000!
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