Wednesday, February 16, 2011

State employees fired after abortion clinic practices revealed

At least 11 Pennsylvania state employees have been fired or resigned in light of their actions or in-actions which allowed abortionist Kermit Gosnell's clinic to stay open for decades. Gosnell has been charged with 8 counts of murder for killing one woman and seven infants who survived abortion attempts.
A grand jury investigation determined that health and licensing officials had received repeated reports about Gosnell's practices for two decades, but taken no action -- even after learning that women died during routine abortions -- Williams has said.

Corbett announced changes in the Department of Health and Department of State, including new controls and conditions "designed to protect the health and safety of women who use these facilities in the future." Changes include cross-checking files, establishing searchable databases of inspections, improving training, making correction plans and inspecting abortion clinics annually.