Monday, August 5, 2013

Alabama judge hears case of abortion clinic operating without a license

Photo by Mike Oliver
After authorities in Alabama removed the license of New Woman All Woman abortion clinic it was supposed to have closed.  The clinic lost their license after two women were given overdoses of medication and were rushed to the hospital. 

Instead of closing up shop, the abortion clinic had another idea.  They decided to claim the abortion clinic was no longer being run by its long-time owner and instead say she was renting the space to her staff abortionist and claim he is using the building as a private physician's office.   A judge will now decide whether a clinic which just performs abortions is an abortion clinic or a physician's office. 

A key issue before the judge is how the state regulates and defines an abortion clinic.

Norman testified that the only medical procedure he performs at the clinic is abortion.

"Do you provide any other services?" asked Sancha Howard, assistant general counsel for the Alabama Department of Public Health.

"The answer is yes, but as part of the termination process," Norman said.

He said he provides counseling, contraceptive services and prescriptions but "no other medical procedures at the present time."